Biographical Sketch of David Lacy

David Lacy came from Andover, Mass., and settled in Jaffrey previous to 1790, locating on lot 14, tier 8, and his name appears among those of early. land-surveyors. He married Charlotte, daughter of Jonathan Mollie (Fitch) Blodgett, November 2, 1788, and had born to him nine children. His son William married Betsey Brondson, May 26, 1829, and se in Jaffrey, engaging in mercantile pursuits in company with E. Cutter and L. Sweetzer, occupying the Ainsworth store. By diligence and economy found means to enlarge his trade, and in the spring of 1854, he bought stocked the Foster store, of East Jaffrey, in which he placed his son, James S., who afterwards became a partner and remained as such till his father’s death, June 20, 1869. His son James S., married Dorcas C., daughter Moses and Cozby (Coolidge) Perkins, July 22, 1856. He is now the lead merchant here and a prominent man in town affairs.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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