Edward G. Bond

Lieut., was born in Edenton, North Carolina, on the 16th of May, 1890. He was a son of Judge and Mrs. W. M. Bond. After attending the Graded School at Edenton he was sent to Randolph-Macon Academy at Bedford, Virginia, and from there was later sent to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. There he united with the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, and after completing his studies at said University he remained there and read law. Completing his law course, he passed the examination for license to practice before the Supreme Court of North Carolina before his twenty-first birthday. At each of the schools he was regarded as a close and diligent student, and in the few years after he received his law license he rapidly arose in the profession. He was of broad reading, with most retentive memory, a strong public speaker and most interesting in private conversation. Never having been connected in any way with military service, when trouble was threatened along the Mexican border he volunteered and became a member of Company I, an old Edenton military company. He was soon thereafter sent to Camp Glenn, in North Carolina, and after staying there several weeks was sent with his company to the border. When the trouble there had subsided, the regiment to which he belonged was returned to Goldsboro, N.C., and was not disbanded, as it then seemed very certain that our government would soon be involved in war with Germany. Serving at Goldsboro, Charlotte, Hillsboro and other places in guarding bridges and performing various details of military service, he was finally sent to Camp Sevier, near Greenville, S. C. There he remained until he was sent, in May, 1918, as a member of Company L, 119th Infantry, Thirtieth Division, to France. He remained attached to that company until he was sent to a competitive school in Langres, France. After remaining at said school for a period of time he was commissioned and assigned to Company L, 39th Infantry, Fourth Division. On October 10, 1918, he was mortally wounded in battle near Bois de Foret in the Argonne Forest, and from there was finally removed to the hospital in the city of Limoges, where he died from the wounds on November 10, 1918, and was buried in the American Military Cemetery at Limoges, France. He was at all times connected with the Infantry and his commission as Second Lieutenant was dated September 25, 1918.

Letters from comrades received since his death impute to him full and complete discharge of his duty and speak in the highest terms of his valor and determination as a soldier. He appeared to regard his service to his country as a matter of patriotic duty, which is attested by the fact that a few days before he was wounded he closed a letter by saying:

“No matter what happens, don’t worry about me. I hold my life a matter of little concern in great questions affecting humanity and civilization.”

His older brother lives in Denver, Colorado, practicing law there. His younger brother, before his twentieth birthday, filed application for enlistment into the Aviation service.

The subject of this sketch was well educated, of high character and widely acquainted.

Lieut. Bond was the only member of the D. K. E. Fraternity at the University of North Carolina who died in battle or from wounds received in battle, and the society has requested and received a large photograph of him which now hangs on its wall in their hall at Chapel Hill.


World War 1,

AccessGenealogy.com. North Carolina World War 1 Military Records.

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