Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Throop

Benjamin Throop, son of Daniel (2) and Susanna (Cary) Throope. was born in Lebanon. Connecticut, October 8. 1754, died at Palmyra (Port Gibson), Wayne county, New York. January 17. 1842. He was named after his maternal grandfather, Deacon Benjamin Cary. He was one of the first settlers of Palmyra, and an account of his life was published in the Shortsville Enterprise in 1903. In 1801, he purchased, for four dollars an acre. five hundred and twelve acres of land from Ichabod Ward and Samuel Dorrance, mortgagees of Phelps and Gorham to whom large tracts of land were deeded in settlement of debts. This property was located where the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York, now (1910) stands. Benjamin Throop, who was the first member of this branch of the family to drop the final “e” from his name, took his family to this place, in April. 1802. It was at that time virgin forest and his nearest neighbor was three miles distant and Indians were actually dwelling on his property. He married, May 4, 1775, Rachel Brown, of Lebanon, Connecticut, who was born there, died in Ontario county, New York. July 3, 1851. Children: 1. Ebenezer, born January 29, 1776, died young. 2. Samuel, born January 30, 1779, died in 1819; married Ruth Shelby. 3. Patty or Martha, born February 18, 1780, died about 1855 at Palatine, Illinois; married Flavius Waterman. 4. Eunice, born March 28, 1783, died in 1852; married Joseph Adams, of East Bloomfield, New York. 5. Benjamin, born March 28, 1784, died about 1834; married Nancy Gardiner. 6. Clarissa, born June 6. 1785, died about 1824 near Cleveland, Ohio; married Abraham Teachout. 7. Jesse, born August 27, 1787, died about 1858; married Azubah Howell. 8. Azel, referred to elsewhere. 9. Lydia, born October 31. 1793, died about 1872 at Rockford, Illinois; married William Teachout. 10. A child died young. 1 1. A child killed by accident.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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