Biographical Sketch of Nathan Whitney

Nathan, son of Captain Jonathan (3) Whitney, was born at Conway, October 18, 1761, and married there (first), November 1, 1780, Olive Whitney, daughter of Lieutenant Jesse, born February 19, 1758, died November 17, 1828. He married (second) Thankful Caldwell. He lived in Conway until 1792, when he emigrated to Seneca Castle, New York. one of the first pioneers. He was a farmer by occupation. Nearly all his children were remarkable for their longevity. He died April 19, 1838. Children: 1. Luther, August 20. 1782, married Hannah Witter and Hannah L. Smalley. 2. Theodore, March 4, 1785, died June 29, 1792; killed by a falling tree. 3. Otis, October 19, 1786, married Betsey Hawley. 4. Polly, September 19, 1788; married, August 31, 1806. Seth Whitmore; died March 7, 1823. He was born in Conway, March 17, 1783, died August 27, 1869. 5. Nathan, January 22, 1791, married Sarah Gray. 6. Cheney, April 21, 1795, mentioned elsewhere. 7. Olive, September 28, 1797, married Simeon Van Aukin; died January 15, 1821. 8. Jonathan, September 23, 1798, married Betsey . 9. Julia Ann, December 17, 1799, married Dr. Sartwell; died April 18, 1824.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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