Biographical Sketch of Isaac Lovett

Lovett, Isaac, Middlebury, was born in Pittsfield, Rutland county, Vt., on October 24, 1806. His parents were Joseph and Sally (Jepperson) Lovett. Isaac Lovett was educated in the common schools of Warren, Vt., where his family had removed to in 1816. He was brought up to farming and remained at home until he was of age, when he picked up the trade of shoemaking, a trade which he followed at intervals during his life. In 1830 he purchased the place on which he now resides, and which then consisted of forty-three acres; it now contains over ninety acres. He was married on April 20, 1835, to Minerva Cleveland. He then settled in his present home, and has lived there ever since, putting up buildings and improving the same. Mrs. Lovett died in December, 1872. He was married the second time in September, 1874, to Mrs. Edith Stowe, a daughter of Daniel Twichell, who was a former well-known resident of New Haven, Vt. Mrs. Lovett was born in New Haven, Vt., on August 7, 1810. Mr. Lovett is a self-made man, who is esteemed by everybody.



Addison County VT,

Smith, H. P. History of Addison County Vermont: With Illustrations And Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men And Pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & co., 1886.

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