Biographical Sketch of S. S. Andrus

Andrus, S. S., Cornwall, was born in Cornwall, Addison county, Vt., on October 7, 1819. His parents were Ethan and Abigail (Skinner) Andrus. Ethan Andrus was born in Cornwall, Vt., about 1793, and was a son of Eldad Andrus, who was a pioneer in the early settlement of Cornwall and settled on the place now owned by Mrs. Holley. He afterward settled on the farm which is the home of his grandson, where he spent the latter part of his life. Ethan Andrus also spent part of his life on the same place until late in life, when he moved to West Cornwall. He was a successful business man, and had a family of four daughters and one son. Three daughters and one son are now living. He died October 9, 1873. S. S. Andrus was educated in the common schools of Addison and received a fair education. He was engaged a great deal in the buying and selling of live stock, and was married about 1842 to Olive Howe, who was a daughter of Solomon Howe, who was a farmer and well-known resident of Bridport, Vt. They have one daughter. Revillo, now the wife of J. M. Tracy, of West Cornwall, Vt. Mr. Andrus has always lived on the farm, and owns between 450 and 460 acres in Cornwall and Bridport. He never aspired to office, but is a prominent citizen and a self-made and industrious man.



Addison County VT,

Smith, H. P. History of Addison County Vermont: With Illustrations And Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men And Pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & co., 1886.

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