Biographical Sketch of Dexter Whittemore

Dexter Whittemore, son of John, who came here at an early date, and kept a small store in the cottage where he lived, was born in Fitzwilliam, October 9, 1798. When Dexter became of age he induced his father to buy the store of Dr. Scott, and there engaged in trade, continuing over forty years. He is said to have been the first merchant of Cheshire county to give up the sale of spirituous liquors. He was chosen to many offices of trust, and was very generous and liberal in all good works. He married twice, first, Betsey Wright, April 18, 1820; second, Sarah (Reed) Hayden, January 1, 1857. His death occurred in March, 1865. His first wife bore him seven children, four of whom are living. His three sons, Joel, Thomas W., and Charles, are engaged in business in New York city, while his daughter, Eliza W. Jenkins, and his widow, reside in town.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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