Industry of Fitzwilliam NH

Fitzwilliam Savings bank, located in the Postoffice block, at Fitzwilliam village, was incorporated in 1871, and commenced business in 1872, with Philip S. Batchellor, president, and Milton Chaplin, treasurer. The present officers are Amos J. Blake, president, and Stephen Batchellor, treasurer.

George D. Webb Granite Co.’s quarry and shops are located at the crossing of the railroad and road 31. The firm consists of George D. Webb and C. F. Batchelder, of Worcester, Mass., who began work here in July, 1882. They have extensive sheds, a polishing-mill, blacksmiths shops and enginehouse, using three engines and two steam drills. Their works are also accommodated with side-tracks to the Cheshire railroad, and they give employment to about seventy-five men in the summer and twenty-five in the winter season, producing all kinds of rough and finished granite. In 1884 they did a business aggregating $85,000.00, using 600 cars for transporting their goods. Alonzo Whipple is superintendent of the works, and Elliot K. Wheelock, cashier.

Fisher & Newton’s granite quarry, located off road 15, was opened by John E Fisher about 1880, and Charles Newton became a partner in 1882. They employ about eight men in quarrying and cutting cemetery monumental work and curbing, doing a business of about $8,000.00 per year. Mr. Fisher opened the present Webb quarry in 1867, Dwelly quarry in 1894, and the above in 1880.

D. H. Reed’s granite quarry, located about half a mile from Fitzwilliam, Depot. was opened by his father, Charles, and himself in 1864. He employs about thirty men in quarrying granite to order, finding a market throughout the Middle and New England states, producing about 600 car-loads per annum. He furnished 636 car-loads for the St. Paul’s church building at Worcester.

Ethan Blodgett’s granite quarry, on road 30, was opened in 1868. He gives employment to about ten men, and connected with the quarry is the polishing mill of Zenas A. Blodgett.

Bartlett Hayden’s granite works, on road 21, were established about 187o, by Bartlett and Albert Hayden, the latter of whom remained until 1883, when he sold out to Bartlett. He manufactures all kinds of cemetery and building work, giving employment to about eight men.

Melvin Wilson & Son’s granite quarries, located on road 41, were first opened by Mr. Wilson about thirty-six years ago, first being in business with Calvin Dutton until about seventeen years ago, when his son, Albert F., became his partner. They employ about four men, and have their yards at Fitzwilliam Depot.

Bowen Bros. chair factory, located at Fitzwilliam Depot, was erected in the autumn of 1882. They manufacture basket and rattan chairs, with hard-wood frames, employing ten men in the shop, and considerable help outside.

Emery P. Auger is engaged in the manufacture of egg cases, of which he is the patentee. His shop has the capacity for making about five dozens per day. The cases are made entirely of wood, with perforated trays, lined with cloth, and are warranted to hold eggs during transportation, without breakage.

Edward Stone’s saw and planing-mill located near Fitzwilliam Depot, was built by Daniel E. Burbank, in 1878. In November of that year Mr. Stone became a partner, and sole owner in March, 1880. He does custom planing and sawing, and manufactures chair-stock, etc., employing from ten to fifteen hands.

Coolidge & Whittemore’s pail and bucket factory, located on road 4. near the outlet of Bowker’s pond, has been carried on by them since July, 1878. They manufacture about 120,000 buckets and 35,000 dozens pails per year. The business was established about sixty years ago, by Luke Bowker. whose father, Bartlett, was an early settler and built the first grist-mill, and from whom Bowkerville derived its name.

George A. Stone’s saw-mill, located on road 9, was rebuilt about eight years ago and has been operated by Mr. Stone since 1883.

Jonas Damon’s saw-mill, located at the outlet of Tarbell pond, cuts about 350,000 feet of lumber per year. Connected with the mill is a pail-handle and wooden spoon manufactory, operated by Cudeworth & Petts, Mr. Damon has also a pail manufactory in Rindge, employing twelve hands, and a shoddy-mill at Harrisville.

E. d’ C. Carter’s carriage shop, located at Fitzwilliam village, was established by them in 1836. They manufacture all kinds of wagons, carriages and sleighs. The father of the gentlemen, Josiah Carter, came here from Lancaster, Mass., in 1803, and died here in 1,951, aged seventy years.

George W Wilson’s cider-mill, located on road 34, had the capacity for .manufacturing 1,000 barrels of cider per year.

Henry P. Howe’s saw-mill, stave-mill and chair-stock manufactory, located on road 31, was built by his father, Nahum Howe, in 1850. It is operated by water-power and a twenty horse-power engine.

Seth M. Holman’s saw-mill and tub and pail manufactory, located on road 83, has been in his possession since about 1868. The works, when in operation, give employment to thirty-five men.

S. S. Stone’s saw and grist-mill, on road 44, was originally built by his grandfather, Artemas Stone, about seventy-five years ago, and was recently rebuilt by Samuel S.

Anson Bebee’s saw-mill, on road 42, was built for a grist-mill about 100 years ago, and came into Mr. Bebee’s possession in 1864.


Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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