Biographical Sketch of William James Chandler

William James Chandler, whose life was profitably spent as a farmer in Langdon and the immediate vicinity, was born March 10, 1832, in Alstead, Cheshire County, son of James, Jr., and Sophia (Tuttle) Chandler. The grandfather, James Chandler, Sr., spent his life in Alstead, where he followed the occupation of a farmer. He married, and had a large family of children. When he died, he was the oldest Mason in New Hampshire. James Chandler, Jr., born in Alstead, September 20, 1801, besides farming was also engaged in the hotel business; and he was prosperous in both. The first of his three marriages was contracted with Sophia Tuttle; his second, with her Nancy; and his third, with Mary Stowell Tuttle, the widow of their brother. There were two children by the first union-William James Chandler; and a daughter that died in childhood.

William James Chandler received a good practical education in the common school. Shortly after leaving school he went to work at farming, and continued to pursue that occupation throughout the rest of his life, which was chiefly spent in Langdon. He was one who enjoyed life thoroughly, and his quick wit and humorous sayings gave pleasure to all about him. At the same time, a man of sterling worth, he was held in high esteem by his neighbors. While he did not desire or seek office, he never failed to take due interest in the welfare of his town. He died December 6, 1893, in the sixty-second year of his age. Mr. Chandler married Miss Augusta H. Mellish, who was born in Langdon, N.H., August 10, 1839, daughter of Samuel and Huldah (Lane) Mellish. No children were born to them. Since his death Mrs. Chandler has resided in Langdon.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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