2nd New Hampshire Regiment

A return of the Field, Staff & other Commissioned Officers that are or ever have been in the 2nd New Hampshire Regiment  with the time of their Appointments, promotions, deaths, discharge or resignation since the 1st Jan 1777 to 1st January 1780.

AppointedOfficers NamesRankRemarks
Nov 8 1776Enoch PoorColonelPromoted to Brig General Feb 21, 1777
doNathaniel HaleLt ColPromoted to Colonel Prisoner July 7, 1777
doWinborn AdamsMajorPromoted to Lt Col Apr 7, 1777. Killed 19 Sep, 1777.
Mar 5, 1778George ReidLt Col Com
Nov 8, 1776Benjamin TitcombCaptainPromoted to Major 2nd Apr 1777.
doWilliam ElliotadjutantPrisoner July 7, 1777
doJeremiah FoggPay Mastappointed to Capt. Oct. 9, 1777, resigned Pay Mast Oct 17, 1779.
doRichard BrownQuar Mastresigned 22 Aug 1778 —
doWilliam ParkerSurgeonresigned 31 Nov 1778 —
doPelitiah WarrenMateresigned 19 Oct 1777 —
William WoodMate
Aug 18, 1777William Matthew BellAdjutant
Nov 18, 1779James CarrPay Mast
Aug 23, 1778Joseph PotterQuart Mast
Oct 24, 1779Robert R. HenrySurgeon
Nov 8, 1776James NorrisCaptainPromoted to major in 3rd Reg 20 Sep 1777.
doWilliam RowellLieutPromoted to Captain 2 Apr 1777
doJohn ColcordLieutresigned May 6, 1777
Apr 2, 1777James NicholsLieutfurloughed 1 Apr. 30 days not returned
Nov 8, 1776Josiah MeloonEnsignleft out of new Arrangement
Enoch ChaseLieutPromoted to Captain 22 Dec 1777
Sam NuteLieutresigned
Apr 2, 1777Joseph MerrowEnsign
Nov 8, 1776Fred M. BellCaptaindied 9 Oct. 1779
doJethrow HeardLieutresigned May 8, 1777
May 9, 1777Thomas HardyLieutresigned Aug 27, 1778
Nov 8, 1776Ebenezer LightLieut
doSamuel AdamsEnsignPromoted to Lieut Oct 9, 1777 —
doCaleb RobinsonCapt
doMoses DustinLieutPromoted to Captain 20 Sep 1777 —
doMicah HoitLieutFurloughed 1 Apr 30 days not returned
doLuke WoodburyEnsignPromoted to Lieut 20 Sep 1777
doJames CarrCaptain
doSamuel CherryLieutPromoted to Captain Lieutenant
doPelitiah WhitemoreLieut
doGeorge P. FrostEnsignPromoted to 2nd Lieut. 20 Sep & to 1st Lieut 22 Dec. 1777 —
doJohn DrewCaptainresigned Aug 31, 1778
doWilliam WallasLieutFurloughed in Oct 1777, & not returned
doDavid GilmanLieutCashiered 9 Nov 1778
doWilliam Matthew BellEnsignPromoted to Lieut 6 May, 1777
doElijah ClayesCaptainDied of his wound sometime in Nov 1779
doSamuel BradfordLieutleft out of the new Arrangement
doJohn PotterLieut
doWilliam TaggartEnsignPromoted to Lieut 22 Dec 1777
doSamuel BlodgetCaptainresigned 22 Dec 1777
doJames CrombieLieutleft out of the new Arrangement
doNoah RobinsonLieut
doDavid ForsythEnsignDead May 10, 1778 —
May 6, 1777Daniel GookinEnsign
Sep 16, 1777Caleb BlodgetEnsign
Sep 20, 1777George BurnhamEnsign
Oct 9, 1777William TwomblyEnsign
Dec 22, 1777Thomas ChallisEnsign



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