Pueblos (‘towns’, ‘villages’, so called on account of file peculiar style of compact permanent settlements of these people, as distinguished from temporary camps or scattered rancherias of less substantial houses). A term applied by the Spaniards and adopted by English-speaking people to designate all the Indians who lived or are living in permanent stone or adobe houses built into compact villages in south Colorado and central Utah, and in New Mexico, Arizona, and the adjacent Mexican territory, and extended sometimes to include the settlements of such tribes as the Pima and the Papago, who led an agricultural life. The Pueblo people of history comprise the Tanoan, Keresan (Queres), and Zuñian linguistic families of New Mexico, and the Hopi, of Shoshonean affinity, in north east Arizona. These are distributed as follows, the tribes or villages noted being only those now existent or that recently have become extinct:
Linguistic Stock |
Group |
Tribes or Villages |
Tanoan |
Nambe, Tesuque, San Ildefonso, Jan Juan, Santa Clara, Pojoaque (recently extinct) Hano |
Isleta, Sandia, Taos, Picuris, Isleta del Sur (Mexicanized) |
Jemez, Pecos (extinct) |
Practically extinct. |
Senecu, Socorro del Sur, (both Mexicanized) |
Keresan (Queres) |
San Felipe, Santa Ana, Sia, Cochiti, San Domingo |
Acoma, Laguna, and outlying villages |
Zuñian |
Zuñi |
Zuñi and its outlying villages |
Shoshonean |
Hopi |
Walpi, sichomovi, Mishongnovi, Sipaulovi, Shongopovi, Oraibi |
Habitat.-The Pueblo tribes of the historical period have been confined to the area extending from north east Arizona to the Rio Pecos in New Mexico (and, intrusively, into west Kansas), and from Taos on the Rio Grande, New Mexico, in the north, to a few miles below El Paso, Texas, in the south. The ancient domain of Pueblo peoples, however, covered a much greater territory, extending approximately from west Arizona to the Pecos and into the Texas panhandle, and from central Utah and south Colorado indefinitely southward into Mexico, where the remains of their habitations have not yet been clearly distinguished from those of the northern Aztec.
The books presented are for their historical value only and are not the opinions of the Webmasters of the site. Handbook of American Indians, 1906
Index of Tribes or Nations