Below is a list of the Creek towns and villages. The smaller contained 20 to 30 cabins and the larger as many as 200. Tukabatchi, the largest, is said to have had 386 families in 1832. The towns were composed of irregular clusters of 4 to 8 houses, each cluster being occupied by the representatives of a clan.
Upper Creek towns
Abihka, Abikudshi, Alkehatchee, Anatichapko, Assilanapi, Atasi, Atchinaalgi, Atchinahatchi, Aucheucaula, Canjauda, Cayomulgi, Chakihlako, Chananagi, Chatoksofki, Chatukchufaula, Chiaha, Cholocco Litabixee, Conaliga, Coosahatchi, Cow Towns, Eufaula, Fusihatchi, Ghuaclahatche, Hatchichapa, Hillabi, Hlanudshiapala, Hlaphlako, |
Hlahlokalka, Huhliwahli, Ikanachaka, Ikanhatki, Imukfa, Ipisogi, Istapoga, Istudshilaika, Kailaidshi, Keroff, Kitolopataki, Kohamutkikatska, Kulumi, Kusa, Littefutchi, Lutchapoga, Muklassa, New Eufaula, Ninnipaskulgees, Niuyaka, Oakfuskee, Oakfuskudshi, Okchayi, Okchayndshi, Ooeasa, Opilhlako, Oselarneby, Otituchina, |
Pakan Tallahassee, Pinhoti, Potchushatchi, Sakapatayi, Satapo, Saugahatchi, Sukaispoka, Taladega, Talasi, Talasihatchi, Talapoosa, Taliposehogy, Tukabatchi, Tukabatchi Tallahassee, Tukpafka, Tukhtukagi, Tuskegee, Uktaliasasi, Ullibahali, Wakokayi Weogufka, Wetumpka, Wewoka, Woksoyudshi. (See also Alibamu. ) |
Lower Creek and Hitchiti towns
Amakalli Apalachicola Apatai Chattahoochee Chiaha Chiahudshi Chihlakonini Chiskatalofa Chukahlako Cotohautustennuggee Donally’s Town Ematlochee Finhalui |
Hatchichapa Hihagee Hlekatska Hogologes Hotalihuyana Huhlitaiga Itahasiwaki Kaila Kasihta Kawaiki Kawita Nipky Ocheeses |
Ocmulgee Oconee Okitiyakni Osotchi Sawokli Sawokliudshi Secharlecha Suolanocha Tamali Telmocresses Wikaihlako |