Biographical Sketch of George Pierce

George Pierce came from Smithfield, R. I., to Chesterfield about 1816, an settled upon the farm now owned by Mrs. Joseph W. Pierce, on road 1 where he carried on farming. He married Sophrona Mann, of Smithfield, RI., who was born June 14, 1785, and is still living in Chesterfield a venerate, centenarian. The one hundreth anniversary of this aged lady’s birthday observed in proper form by her relatives and friends, about 200 guests beii present, and on which occasion the Rev. Mr. Fowler read a history of thfamily, written in rhyme. Others of those present made short speeches, read a propriate poems, etc., and Mrs. Pierce, in whose honor her friends had gathered, entertained the company with vocal selections, which were enthuiastio ally received. Mr. Pierce lived on the farm about nine years and then went back to his native town, to take care of his mother, and after her death he came again about 1825 on to his farm, where he lived until his death, August 14, 1876, aged about eighty-three years. He had eleven children, six sons and five daughters, eight of whom are living.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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