Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Pierce

Benjamin Pierce, son of George, was born in Smithfield, R. I., February 26, 1815, and in early life lived with his father on the farm. He obtained his education at the common schools and at the Chesterfield academy, taught school winters until his marriage, which took place November 15, 1842, to Caroline A. Gale, of Pertersham, Mass., when he settled at Chesterfield Factory. Here he was engaged in selling goods manufactured by Richardson & Huggins, also goods made by Pliny Merrill, of Hinsdale. In 1853 he bought thebit and auger factory of Barton Skinner and commenced the business of manufacturing Pierce’s celebrated boring implements. He followed this till 1882,. when he sold out to Currier Brothers. By his business tact Mr. Pierce has accumulated a large fortune. He also manufactured spinning wheels and wheelheads, which he still continues. His business has been one of the most extensive of any in Chesterfield. His wife died October 30, 1882, having hadd six children born to her, viz: Fred B.; Caroline M., married and living at Atchison, Kan.; Nellie K., living with her sister at Atchison; Gracie M., born December 30, 1854, died October 3, 1873; Alice H., born November. 14, 1858, and died September 5, 1860; and one son died in infancy.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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