Virginia Cemetery Records Accomack to Brunswick Counties

Virginia Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Virginia county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Accomack County Following Cemeteries (hosted at Accomack County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project) Bell/Mears/Isdell Cemetery Mears-Bird Cemetery Hills Farm Cemetery Old Tombstones in Northampton and Accomac Counties Albemarle County Following Cemeteries (hosted at Albemarle County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project) Buck Mountain Episcopal Church Marshall Cemetery Mt. Moriah Church Cemetery Smith Cemetery UVA Confederate Cemetery Watts Cemetery Wingfield Family Cemetery Alexandria … Read more

Virginia Cemetery Records Buchanan to Dinwiddie Counties

Virginia Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Virginia county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Buchanan County Following Cemeteries (hosted at Buchanan County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project) Addison-Mutter Cemetery Blankenship Cemetery Charles Hale Cemetery Clifton Family Cemetery Day Family Cemetery Dry Fork Cemetery Eli Blankenship Cemetery Gap of Long Branch Cemetery Harman Family Cemetery Matney Cemetery Osborn Mountain Cemetery Ramey Cemetery Richard Blankenship Cemetery David Rife Cemetery Rife Cemetery Rife Cemetery at Slate Creek … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Martha H. Barlow

MRS. MARTHA H. BARLOW, wife of the foregoing, was born September 2, 1822, at the historic site of Spottsylvania, Virginia. In 1836, she accompanied her father, Elijah Portlaw, to Tennessee, and in 1840 was married to Doctor William E. Allen, of Palmyra, Missouri. In 1850 she crossed the plains with her husband bringing a family of two children, and endured great toils and dangers on account of the prevalence of cholera, and the necessary pre-occupation of her husband in administering to the sock. Except for this she would have much enjoyed the trip. With her husband she made the first … Read more

Biography of Mrs. C. B. Cary

MRS. C.B. CARY. – This refined woman and intelligent lady, one of our earliest pioneers, comes of one of the old Virginia families of English or Cavalier origin; whose members, in the early days of the Old Dominion, took and held an advanced social position. She was born at Richmond in 1815, and at the age of four moved to Kentucky with her father, William Taylor. In 1831 she was married to Miles S. Cary, one of the pioneer sons of Kentucky, with his full share of southern chivalrousness and western energy. In 1835 they moved to Missouri, and were … Read more

Biography of W. L. Adams A.M., M.D.

W.L. ADAMS, A.M., M.D. – The subject of this biography, a pioneer who drove his own ox team across the plains in 1848, is one of the most unique of western characters; and history entitles him to be placed in the catalog of the illustrious men who bore prominent parts in settling Oregon, and in molding public sentiment. To give a full history of his life would require a large book; but our limited space would require a large book; but our limited space forbids anything but a rapid glance at a few waymarks along the road traveled for nearly … Read more

Biography of Hon. Hilory Butler

HON. HILORY BUTLER. – Mr. Butler is the son of Roland and Luc Emery Butler. He was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, on March 31, 1819. He resided on his father’s farm, where he was born, until he was twenty-one years of age, when he came to Lexington, Missouri, with a neighbor’s family, and followed farming until 1852. In April of that year he started across the plains in company with his wife, with the train known as the Hays and Cowan train, and arrived in Portland in September of the same year. After spending the first winter in Portland, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Luke J. Boothe

REV. LUKE J. BOOTHE. – This well-known minister of the gospel was born in Virginia in 1820. At the age of ten years he emigrated to Missouri with his parents, and received n that state a common-school education. Arriving at his majority, he married Miss Mary Ann Shaw, of Boone county, and engaged in farming and stock-raising. About 1858, he entered the ministry, in the missionary Baptist denomination, in which he has served with but little interruption to the present time, – continuing frequently in his pastoral pursuits in connection with other necessary occupations. In 1863 he served in Captain … Read more

Biography of Henry Bowman

HENRY BOWMAN. – Mr. Bowman, universally known as a public-spirited and prominent citizen of Pendleton, was one of the earliest settlers of Umatilla county. He was born in 1833, in Tyler county, Virginia. He spent his early years in the old dominion, and his youth in Pennsylvania and Iowa, and in 1860 came by the well-worn Oregon trail to our state. In the train of thirty-six wagons there were some two hundred persons, eighty-eight of whom were men; and their numbers secured them from attacks by Indians. The train was under command of Mr. E. de Lashmutt, uncle of the … Read more

Biography of Hon. Benjamin Franklin Dowell

HON. B.F. DOWELL. – Benjamin Franklin Dowell was born in Albemarle county, Virginia, on the 31st of October, 1826. He was named for an uncle of his grandmother on his father’s side. She was a daughter of John Franklin and a niece of Benjamin Franklin, the statesman and philosopher. Mr. Dowell’s father and mother were natives of Virginia, and were born and brought up within one mile of each other. His mother’s maiden name was Fannie Dalton, a woman of rare culture and refinement. The Dowells were originally from England; the Daltons were from the Scottish Highlands. As a child, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthew P. Deady

HON. MATTHEW P. DEADY. – The character of the man whose name heads this article is one to which justice cannot be done in a short sketch of the principal events of his life. However, it will serve to illustrate one pure, wise and energetic; one of those who, while he gained his education, toiled for his living; one of those whom no circumstances, poverty or hardship could deter or turn aside from his purposes and the pursuit of knowledge. Judge Deady was born in Easton, Talbot county, Maryland, on May 12, 1824. His parents were good and respectable people, … Read more

Biography of Col. Walter Crockett, Sr.

COL. WALTER CROCKETT, SR. – The lineal representatives of many of the distinguished families of the Atlantic states have become the builders of our own communities. Such was Colonel Crockett, who was in the line of the old Virginia family that went out West to settle in the early days of Braddock’s war. The father, Colonel Hugh, was of Norman-Irish descent, and earned his rank in the Revolutionary war. His mother, Rebecca Larton, was a Knickerbocker, born at Jersey City, New Jersey. It was near Shawsville on the upper Roanoke, whither the Colonel had gone to settle, that his son, … Read more

Biography of J. B. Congle

J.B. CONGLE. – Mr. Congle was one of the men of wealth who contributed largely to the early growth and prosperity of our state, and especially of Portland. He was born December 9, 1817, in Chester county, Pennsylvania. In the year 1832 he went to Philadelphia to learn the harness and saddlery trade, and in the spring of 1838 removed to Virginia, thence to Missouri, and in the year 1841 was at Lafayette, Indiana, where he resided ten years thereafter. On May 21, 1844, he was married to Miss Ellen H. Gray, of the place last named. He came as … Read more

Biography of Col. William Williams Chapman

William William Chapman

COL. W.W. CHAPMAN. – It has frequently been remarked, that while many men of great fame, and a deservedly wide reputation, cannot lay their finger upon a single public act that they originated, others whose names are less known can county by the score the progeny of their brains, now alive and active in the affairs of the world. Of the latter class is Colonel Chapman of Oregon. There are few men in America, even among those esteemed great, who have originated and carried to completion a greater number of particular acts of large scope and general beneficence. Many whose … Read more

Biography of Henry S. Thompson

Henry S. Thompson, president of the Kansas State Fair Association at Hutchinson, had owned and directed many large interests in Reno County for over twenty years. With all his active relations with the community and state at large and with varied business holdings, Mr. Thompson is essentially a farmer, and as a matter of preference he keeps his home at his large ranch situated a mile west of Sylvia. Mr. Thompson was born at Louisville, Kentucky, January 13, 1851. His father, Alfred Thompson, was born on the Isle of Wight, England, in 1807, grew up in that country, and when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Presley George

PRESLEY GEORGE. – This pioneer of distinction, who founded in our state one of its most honorable families, was born in London county, Virginia, March 23, 1798, and was the son of Jesse and Mary Craig George, of an old family in that state. While still a boy he came west to Ohio, crossing the Ohio river at the ford where Wheeling now stands. For forty years he lived among the “Buckeyes,” putting his should to the wheel, and doing all in his power to establish the high and generous civilization of that great state. In 1826 he was united … Read more

Biography of Rev. St. Michael Fackler

THE REV. ST. MICHAEL FACKLER. – The Reverend Mr. Fackler was the first clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal church in Oregon. He was a native of Staunton, Virginia, first moved to Missouri, and then crossed the plains for his health in the year 1847. This was greatly improved by the trip; and he soon undertook such work as he could do, teaching and preaching as opportunity offered. For a short time he taught in the Methodist school at Salem, the progenitor of the present Willamette University. At an early day he secured a farm not far from Butteville, where he … Read more

Biography of George F. Herbert

GEORGE F. HERBERT. – This gentleman and his wife were a venerable couple whose lives as pioneers in our state, and as citizens of great merit in social, religious and business life, have made them well known and highly respected in the entire circle of their acquaintances. Mr. Herbert was born in Frederick County, Virginia, in September, 1815. Mrs. Herbert (Elizabeth) née McCormick, was born May 1, 1818, in the same state. They were married in 1838, and emigrated to the frontier of Illinois, where they remained until 1842, when they moved to Iowa, making a second prairie home. In … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John S. Elliott

JOHN S. ELLIOTT. – Mr. Elliott, a representative citizen of Eastern Oregon, was born in Virginia in 1836. He received a common-school education, and remained upon his father’s farm until twenty years of age. Developing a desire for life in the Far West, he went to Texas in 1858, and at a town upon the Red river served as a salesman in the store of an uncle who was doing business there. In 1860 he enlarged his operations by taking a stock of goods to Denver, Colorado. In 1862 he crossed the plains to Baker county, Oregon, locating in Powder … Read more

Biography of William E. Adamson

William E. Adamson has been a resident of Southeastern Kansas for thirty years, and his career in Neosho County has been marked by splendid service rendered as an educator and also as a civil engineer. For many years he has filled the office of county surveyor, and is still engaged in the official duties of that position with home at Erie. The Adamson family originated in England, and this branch settled in Virginia in colonial days. Others of the family also located in Pennsylvania. His grandfather, Simon Adamson, was born in Virginia in 1763, and became one of the pioneer … Read more

Biography of Frank McClellan

Frank McClellan. After many years employed as an educator in Kansas, Frank McClellan turned his attention to business affairs at Coffeyville, and now has one of the leading offices there for insurance and loans. His birthplace was Bedford, Pennsylvania, where he was born January 21, 1860. His grandfather, Abraham McClellan, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1798, came to the United States when a young man, becoming a farmer and stock raiser in Pennsylvania. He died at Rainsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1883. On account of his service in the state militia he was familiarly known as Captain McClellan. Captain McClellan married … Read more