Will County Illinois School Records

1875 Will County Illinois Map

The Fountaindale Public Library of Bolingbrook, Illinois has digitized school records, freely accessible online here. These records include administrative, teacher’s daily registers, and school enrollment cards.

Moretown Vermont Annual Reports 1910-1957

Moretown Vermont Annual Report 1910

These Moretown, Vermont town reports, published annually, serve as comprehensive repositories of crucial information about Moretown, Vermont. Their contents can differ, depending on the year of publication, largely due to evolving legal stipulations on what they must include. Starting in 1927, these reports provide vital statistical data for a particular year, such as records of births, deaths, and marriages. Note that the records may traverse across two different pages. Included in all reports are the financial details of the town and these often include payments made to individuals who performed services, such as teaching, janitorial, construction, road work, etc. Many of the Moretown’s families find themselves listed within these pages.

Early Records of Londonderry, Windham, and Derry, N.H.

Early Records of Londonderry, Windham, and Derry, N.H. 1719-1762, Vol. 1 title page

The sources from which the Early Records of Londonderry, Windham, and Derry, N.H. have been drawn are Volumes I and II of the old town books. These old town books include minutes, ear markings, surveyors and homestead records, tax lists, inventory lists, accounts, school records and other miscellaneous records.