Treaty of June 19, 1858 – Mdwekakanton

Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at the city of Washington, on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, by Charles E. Mix, commissioner on the part of the United States, and the following-named chiefs and headmen of the Mendawakanton and Wahpakoota bands of the Dakota or Sioux tribe of Indians, viz, Wabashaw, Chetanakooamonee, Washuhiyahidan, Shakopee, Wamindeetonkee, Muzzaojanjan, and Makawto, chiefs, and Hinhanduta, Ha-raka-Muzza, Wakanojanjan, Tachunr-pee-muz-za, Wakinyantowa, Chunrpiyuha, Onkeeterhidan, and Wamouisa, braves, on the part of the Mendawakantons, and Hushawshaw, chief, and Pa-Pa and Tataebomdu, braves, on the part of the Wahpakootas, they being … Read more

Treaty of August 5, 1851

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Mendota, in the Territory of Minnesota, on the fifth day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, between the United States of America, by Luke Lea, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and Alexander Ramsey, governor and ex-officio superintendent of Indian affairs in said Territory, commissioners duly appointed for that purpose, and the Med-ay-wa-kan-toan and Wah-pay-koo-tay bands of Dakota and Sioux Indians. Article 1. The peace and friendship existing between the United States and the Med-ay-wa-kan-toan and Wah-pay-koo-tay bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians shall be perpetual. Article 2. The said Med-ay-wa-kan-toan and Wah-pay-koo-tay bands … Read more

Treaty of September 29, 1837

Articles of a treaty, made at the City of Washington, between Joel R.Poinsett, thereto specially authorized by the President of the United States, and certain chiefs and braves of the Sioux nation of Indians. Article I.The chiefs and braves representing the parties having an interest therein, cede to the United States all their land, east of the Mississippi river, and all their islands in the said river. Article II.In consideration of the cession contained in the preceding article, the United States agree to the following stipulations on their part. First. To invest the sum of $300,000 (three hundred thousand dollars) … Read more

Treaty of November 30, 1836

Convention with the Wahpaakootah, Susseton, and Upper Medawakanton tribes of Sioux Indians. In a convention held this thirtieth day of November 1836 between Lawrence Taliaferro, Indian Agent at St. Peters, and the chiefs, braves, and principal men of the Wahpaakootah, Susseton, and Upper Medawakanton tribes of Sioux Indians, it has been represented, that according to the stipulations of the first article of the treaty of Prairie du Chien of the 15th July, 1830, the country thereby ceded is “to be assigned and allotted under the direction of the President of the United States to the tribes now living thereon, or … Read more

Houses of the Mdewakanton Tribe

"Dakotah Encampment" - Seth Eastman

When preparing a sketch of the villages and village sites of the Mdewakanton, it is quite natural to begin with a brief description of the site of the village to which Father Hennepin was led captive, during the early spring of the year 1680. On the afternoon of April 11 of that year, while ascending the Mississippi with two companions, he was taken by a war party of the Sioux, and after much anxiety and suffering reached the Falls of St. Anthony, which he so named. Thence, going overland through the endless forests, they arrived at the village of their … Read more

Plains Indian Culture

Fig. 34. The Cheyenne Camp Circle. (Dorsey).

Museum collections cannot illustrate this important phase of culture; but since no comprehensive view of the subject can be had without its consideration, we must give it some space. It is customary to treat of all habits or customs having to do with the family organization, the community, and what we call the state, under the head of social organization. So, in order that the reader may form some general idea of social conditions in this area, we shall review some of the discussed points. Unfortunately, the data for many tribes are meager so that a complete review cannot be … Read more