Daniel Boone

The Shawnees

Last Updated on February 18, 2013 by Dennis The Shawanees (Shawnees) were a very extensive and warlike tribe. They were, according to Indian tradition, originally from the south, having inhabited the country in the vicinity of Savannah, in Georgia, and a portion of West Florida. Being engaged in continual war with the Creeks and other

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Biographical Sketch of Frederick Griswold and Harvey Griswold

Last Updated on February 6, 2013 by Harvey and Frederick Griswold, of Connecticut, were cousins. They emigrated to the West, and settled in (now) Warren County, Mo., at a very early date. Frederick married Rebecca Shobe, and opened the first store in Pinckney. They had no children. Harvey came to Missouri when he was only

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Biography of John Jones

Last Updated on February 6, 2013 by Giles Jones was an Englishman, but came to America and served as a soldier in the revolutionary war. His son John came to Missouri in 1817, and studied medicine under Dr. Young. Dr. Jones married Minerva Callaway, daughter of Flanders Callaway, and granddaughter of Daniel Boone, and settled

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