Biographical Sketch of Ivan Isaac Yoder
Yoder, Ivan Isaac; physician and surgeon; born, Wadsworth, O., Dec. 30, 1875; son of Noah. N. and Susan Overholt Yoder; educated, country schools of Medina County, O., until 17 years of age, Medina High School, 1897; B. A. degree, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1901, M. D., Western Reserve University, Medical Dept. 1904, A. M., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1905; district physician, 8th ward, Cleveland, 1911-1912; asst. surgeon to American Ship Building Co., and Cleveland-Pittsburgh ore docks since 1905; has specialized in casualty surgery; pres. Yoder Realty Co.; member American Medical and Ohio State Medical Assns, Cleveland Academy of Medicine, American Association for … Read more