Biography of Edward Wemple

EDWARD WEMPLE AMONG those who have graced the annals of our state in the wide, active and interesting fields of political service is the present efficient comptroller, Hon. Edward Wemple. He comes from an ancestry noted for their sturdy-characteristics, their devotion to principle, and their love of liberty. Away back in the history of Holland his forefathers lived and labored for the best interests of their country and humanity. But their enterprise was not confined to their own land. They sought other and wider regions for the advancement of the cause of civilization and human progress. Large numbers of them … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Jay Wemple

Wemple, John Jay; merchant; born, Aug. 23, 1849; Ashville, N. Y.; son of Hiram S. and Sophia Kidder Wemple; educated, Jamestown Union School and Collegiate Institute; took state regents examination and taught school in Warren County, Pa., and in Kansas; railroad agent in Kansas and Nebraska about five years; mgr. Paine Lumber Co.’s interests in Nebraska, four years; treas. Ohio Sash & Door Co., 24 years; pres. Wholesale Merchants Board, Chamber of Commerce, one year; director Chamber of Commerce, one year; member Hastings Lodge, F. & A. M., Hastings, Neb.; Mt. Nebo Commandery, No. 11, K. T., Hastings, Neb.; McKinley … Read more