Vanderwall, Roy – Obituary

Roy Vanderwall Was Local Leader Funeral services for Roy Edison Vanderwall, Haines, Oregon, 74, a lifetime resident of Baker County was held at 2:00 p.m. Monday afternoon, May 26, 1969 at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel. Rev. Robert D. McNeil of the First Methodist Church, officiated. Interment followed at the Haines Cemetery. Mr. Vanderwall made a major contribution to the economy of the valley as a leader and head of the Dairyman’s Cooperative, first organized in the late ’20’s and one of the most successful in the region during the next two decades prior to the decline of dairy … Read more

Vanderwall, Frank – Obituary

Frank Vanderwall Passes This Life Frank Vanderwall, rancher and resident of Rock Creek neighborhood for many years, passed this life at the state hospital in Pendleton Tuesday of this week. He was a native of Holland and was about 70 years of age at the time of his death. At one time he owned one of the finest ranches in Rock Creek district. He disposed of this several years ago, and since that time until his health failed about a year ago, he had made his home in Rock Creek village. At the time of his committment to the state … Read more

Vanderwall, Son – Obituary

Funeral Rites for Baby Funeral services over the remains of the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vanderwall who passed away in Salem, Tuesday, were held at the Methodist Episcopal church in Haines Thursday afternoon. Miss Blokland officiating. Interment was in the Cole cemetery. The community extended their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Vanderwall. North Powder News Saturday, March 12, 1927