Biography of C. H. Stockard

C. H. STOCKARD. The credit of a large share of the enterprise which helps to make Christian County one of the most thriving and progressive of the counties of Missouri, belongs, in a considerable degree, to the worthy gentleman whose name is at the head of this sketch. Since 1879 he has made his home in this county, and during that time has shown himself thorough master of his business and an influential and esteemed citizen. His birth occurred in Gibson County, Tennessee, February 25, 1835, to William and Mary A. (Edwards) the Stockard. He is grandson of John Stockard, … Read more

Ben B. Stockard

Master Engr., 30th Div., 105th Engrs., Hdqrs. Co. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Stockard. Husband of Mrs. Leone Blanchard Stockard. Entered the service April 17, 1917, at Greensboro, N.C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C., and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Promoted to rank of Master Engr. Sept. 16, 1917. Was in all engagements with his company until Oct. 1st, at which time he went to school in Southern France. Returned to the USA April 13, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson April 18, … Read more

Biography of Fenton T. Stockard

Fenton T. Stockard

In this country where so many young men are thrown upon their own resources at an early age and are often obliged, while yet inexperienced and unfamiliar with their own tendencies and inclinations, to choose their occupation in life, it can not be expected that the most suitable or congenial pursuit will be selected. Consequently it should be impressed upon the minds of youth that they ought to begin at an early age to practice introspection and seriously study the famous Delphic oracle, ” Know thyself.” They will thus find as suitable an occupation as did Fenton T. Stockard, who … Read more