Biographical Sketch of Frank Steunenberg

Frank Steunenberg was born in Keokuk, Iowa, August 8, 1861, and in the public schools of his native state acquired his literary education. In early life he learned the printer’s trade, and until January 1887, was engaged in the printing and publishing business in his native state. He then came to Idaho, locating at Caldwell, where he began business along the same line. In 1889 he was chosen a member of the convention that framed the state constitution, and served upon several of its important committees. In 1890 he was elected a member of the house of representatives, on the … Read more

Biography of Albert K. Steunenberg

Numbered among the successful and representative citizens of Caldwell, Canyon County is Albert K. Steunenberg, brother of the present governor of Idaho. He is cashier of the Commercial Bank of Caldwell, which institution was established in January, 1894. During the five years of its existence the bank has flourished, largely owing to the fine executive ability and genius as a financier which are marked qualities of Mr. Steunenberg. The capital stock of the bank is twenty-five thousand dollars, and an annual dividend of ten per cent is paid to stockholders. The volume of business transacted has materially increased from year … Read more

Labor Troubles In The Coeur d’Alene District

Bartlett Sinclair

The following account of the recent labor troubles in the Coeur d’Alene mining district is contributed by H. H. Smith, of the Cincinnati Post, who, as a reporter of the Scripps-McRae League, was present on the scene and made careful investigation of the matter: The blowing up of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mill at Wardner on April 29, 1899. entailing a financial loss of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and the murder of two men was the culminating act of violence in the ten-years war between labor and capital that has waged in the Coeur d’Alenes. In the … Read more