Steiger, John – Obituary

Sheep Man Dead John Steiger Died Suddenly While on Fishing Trip. The sudden death of John Steiger well known sheep man, occurred Friday afternoon of last week while on a fishing trip near Lime, in Baker county. Death came while Mr. Steiger was driving his car along the road near where three others of the party were fishing. He was heard to call and seen to sink down in the seat. Knowing he was subject to epileptic fits, the companions rushed the stricken man to a physician at Huntington before they learned he was dead. Deceased was fifty-two years of … Read more

Pioneers of Elk Valley, Del Norte County, California

Pioneers of Elk Valley, Del Norte County, California

In the heart of Northern California lies a hidden gem steeped in history and natural beauty: Elk Valley in Del Norte County. This manuscript, titled “Pioneers of Elk Valley, Del Norte County, California: Fifty Years in the History of Elk Valley from 1850 to the Turn of the Century,” authored by Frances Turner McBeth, embarks on a vivid journey through the transformation of this enchanting valley over half a century. From the early days of exploration and settlement to the bustling activity of the turn of the century, McBeth’s narrative weaves together the lives of the pioneers who braved the unknown to establish a community in one of California’s most picturesque landscapes.

Donald Gordon Olsen – Obituary

This is the obituary for Donald Gordon Olsen, age 79, who died on 17 Jun 2008. It was initially published by the Record Courier in Baker City, Oregon.