Biographical Sketch of Theodore Peniston

Was born in Jessamine County, Kentucky, May 6, 1812. His father, Robert P. Peniston, was one of the first settlers of Daviess County. His mother’s maiden name was Miss Nancy Nuttall. Our subject was principally reared on a farm, and educated in Kentucky. In 1831, he came with his parents to Daviess County, Missouri, and settled where the old town of Millport formerly stood. It was in this town that Robert P. Peniston operated one of the first mills in the County. February 17, 1848, Theodore Peniston was married to Miss Susan Witdams, daughter of George Williams, both natives of … Read more

Biography of William Allen Piniston

William Allen Piniston. Among the farmers of Shawnee County the results of whose operations render a good account of their husbandry, is William Allen Peniston, the ownor of a well-cultivated property located near North Topeka, where he had been a resident since 1888. A member of the publicspirited, progressive class, he had aided his community while advancing his own interests, and although not an office seeker or public figure as a politician, had wielded some influence in the locality in which he had made his home for so many years. Mr. Peniston was born in 1856, in Pike County, Ohio, … Read more