Minnick, J. W. Mrs. – Obituary

In Memorian WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from among us, by death, Mrs. J. W. Minnick, wife of our beloved brother, J.W. Minnick, and WHEREAS, by this sad bereavement which our brother sustains we are reminded of the uncertainty of life, and although in the prime yet we are within the care and subject to the call of Him whose eye is ever upon us. Therefore be it Resolved that Union Lodge, No. 39, I.O.O.F. extends to our brother our deepest sympathy and condolence in this his great loss. Resolved that this offering be spread upon the … Read more

Biography of John W. Minnick

JOHN W. MINNICK. – In the person of the subject of this sketch we have one of the leading men of Union county, both in matters of business and of prominence in development and progress of that which is for the interests of all citizens. Forceful, energetic and wide awake, he has made his influence felt not alone in the enterprises of business where he is universally successful, but also in the conventions and newspapers of the county, being recognized as one of the most vigorous and telling local writers of the county, thus casting an influence that is both … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred C. Minnick

Was born in Washington County, Virginia, July 24, 1819. His parents, John and Elizabeth McCauley Minnick, were also natives of Virginia. He was reared to manhood upon his father’s farm in his native County, and there received his education. On the 28th of October, 1841, he was united in marriage to Miss Martha Houston, daughter of John Houston, both natives of Virginia. Two children were the fruits of this union; namely, John, and Elizabeth C., now Mrs. W. L. Dryden. Mrs. Minnick died in Washington County, Virginia, October 5, 1845. On the 23d of December, 1846, Mr. Minnick married Miss … Read more

Minnick, Clifford – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon “Services Held For Clifford Minnick” Death struck quickly in removing from life, a well known young man of this community, Clifford Minnick, who passed away at his home in Union on Saturday, February 17, 1942, at the age of 35 years. Milo Clifford Minnick was born in High Valley near Union, April 7, 1906, son of Mary and John Minnick. He attended grade and high school here, graduating from the Union high school with the class of 1924. Following his graduation, he enrolled at the University of Oregon, where he studied law for two years. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Chauncey F. Minnick

Minnick, Chauncey F.; building contractor; born, Pierceton, Ind., Dec. 1, 1871; son of F. V. B. and Lucy A. Miller Minnick; educated, public schools, Goshen, Ind.; married, Cleveland, Jan. 14, 1904, Helen Minerva Cleveland; sec’y and treas. The Geo. A. Rutherford Co.; sec’y Land & Building Co.; member Cleveland Builders’ Exchange; pres. Mason Contractor’s Assn, Cleveland; member Athletic Club.

Minnick, Wallace W. – Obituary

Wallace W. Minnick, who has been ill at Hot Lake for some time, died Monday afternoon, and the body was shipped to Portland for cremation. North Powder News Saturday September 22, 1917

Minnick, John W. – Obituary

The funeral of John W. Minnick took place Sunday afternoon, August 21, from the M. E. Church, sermon by Rev. L. A. Cook. Services at the grave by the Knight of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. John Wesley Minnick was born near Leesburg, Ohio, Sept. 15th, 1849. At the age of six years he moved with his parents to Monroe, Iowa, where he spent his early boyhood. Following many of his friends, the call of the west was strong, and he started West, going as far as Evanston and Hilliard, Wyoming, where during the winter of 1865 and the spring … Read more