McWilliam, Hattie Alice – Obituary

Mrs. Hattie Alice McWilliam Succumbs At Hospital Mrs. Hattie McWilliam, one day away from her 88th birthday, died at a La Grande hospital Friday. She was born in Summerville and had lived there with the exception of 15 years of California residence. Survivors are Mrs. Mina Standley, Rt. 1, La Grande, and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie of Summerville. She was the daughter of the late T. T. and Sarah Glenn, pioneers of Summerville. Funeral arrangements are pending. La Grande Observer Saturday, October 3, 1959 Front Page Funeral Services will be held in the Dempsey’s Funeral Chapel Tuesday at 2 p.m. The … Read more

McWilliam, William – Obituary

Gilstraps Wound Held Not Fatal William McWilliam, 70, Fires 5 Times In Sommer Building Shooting Doctor Hit Once But Makes Escape Steel-Jacketed Bullet Ranges Through His Body But Apparently Misses Vital Organs Dr. C. L. Gilstrap, prominent La Grande man, was in the Grande Ronde hospital today seriously wounded and William McWilliam, aged janitor in the Sommer building, was dead. Coroner L. L. Snodgrass said that McWilliam committed suicide with a 32 caliber automatic pistol after wounding Dr. Gilstrap about 10:30 o’clock this morning. No inquest will be held. According to officers here, Dr. Gilstrap some weeks ago suspected McWilliam, … Read more

McWilliam, Olive – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon At her home, in Elgin March 30, Mrs. Olive McWilliam, aged 55 years. Eastern Oregon Republican, Thursday April 10, 1890