Biography of Edward W. Imbler

Among the earliest pioneers of this state the subject of this sketch, together with his father, has been identified with the opening for settlement of various fertile portions of the state, and in these places he has labored, with his father, in the pioneer undertakings that occupy the frontiersman and those who would make from the wilds of nature the opulent farms and comfortable residences of civilization. Edward W. was born in Muhlenburgh County, Kentucky, in 1843, being the son of David and Hester (Jackson) Imbler, natives respectively of North Carolina and Kentucky. In 1844 they migrated from their home … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Imbler

JESSE IMBLER. – A native of Kentucky (1842), Mr. Imbler as a boy came west to Iowa, and in 1853 continued the journey to Oregon, being all this while with his father, who made his home near Eugene. Upon the appeal made for soldiers to quell the Rogue river Indians in 1855-56, Jesse then but sixteen, joined his two older brothers at the front, where, on account of his youth, he was assigned to the supply department, and remained with it to the end of the war. Returning home he accompanied his father and brother to The Dalles, and engaged … Read more