Biographical Sketch of Thomas S. Grasselli

Grasselli, Thomas S.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Nov. 14, 1875; son of C. A. and Johanna Ireland Grasselli; educated, Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md.; married, Rock Island, Ill., May 29, 1899, to Emilie Schmidt; issue, three boys; entered Troop A, O. N. G., 1893; appointed capt. and quartermaster First Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, May, 1898; resigned to accept appointment as captain and quartermaster U. S. V., and resigned after conclusion of war with Spain; engaged with Grasselli Chemical Co. in 1893; now first vice pres.; director Citizens Savings & Trust Co., Bank of Commerce, National Ass’n, Woodland Ave. Savings & Trust … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. R. Grasselli

Grasselli, E. R.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, 1872; son of C. A. and Johanna Ireland Grasselli; married, Detroit, Mich., April, 1901, Mabel Field; one son, Eugene Grasselli; began business with the Grasselli Chemical Co.; now 2nd vice pres. and treas.; director Broadway Savings & Trust Co. and Woodland Ave. Savings & Trust Co.; member Union, Country, Rowfant, and Automobile Clubs, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; member N. Y. Athletic and Chemists Clubs.