Willard C. Goley

Sergt., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Alamance County; son of W. R. and Mrs. Lou Goley. Entered service April 14, 1917, at Graham, N.C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Sept. 1, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line and all other engagements up to Sept. 27th. Gassed at Bellicourt Sept. 27, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 37, Dartford. Returned to USA Dec., 1918. Mustered out at Camp Greene, Jan. 15, 1919.