Humboldt Mining Company

The Humboldt Mining Company, who control our of the largest and best hydraulic properties in this section, was organized in 1881 by Horose Sloan, Ira Sproul, Herbert Hunter, Fred Frey, Harry Heppner and Fred Yorgenson, to work 320 acres lying adjacent to Canyon City. The properly had been worked by the drifting process since 1862, with an average success yearly of nearly a million dollars. The nature of the property is that of an old river channel running with gold. A ditch has been built on it 8½ miles long, with a capacity of 1,000 inches of water. The present … Read more

Biography of John Charles Frey

John Charles Frey is a dairy farmer in Riley County. He is making a success of that business because he knows how, not only from experience but by close study, and he also brings to his work the indispensable faculty of industry and constant supervision of every detail. He might well be called the architect of his own destiny. The second oldest of a family of twelve children, and his parents being people of moderate circumstances, he felt the urge of responsibility when only a boy and did almost a man’s part in the fields when other children of his … Read more