Biography of David A. Eoff

DAVID A. EOFF. This gentleman is the capable and efficient sheriff and collector of Boone County, Arkansas, has resided in this section all his life and was born here December 29, 1852. His grandfather, Alexander Eoff, was a Tennessean, came to this section of Arkansas at a very early day, settled on an unimproved tract of land on which he resided until advancing years compelled him to desist from work, when he gave his farm to one of his sons, with whom he afterward moved to Lead Hill where he died in 1890 at the advanced age of ninety years. … Read more

Eoff, Russell T. – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Russell T. Eoff, 85, of Elgin, died at his home March 27. A life tribute and celebration will begin at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Assembly of God Church at 14th and Alder streets in Elgin. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crematory is in charge of the arrangements. Russ was born Nov. 15, 1922, to Henry and Margaret Edge Eoff in Independence. He graduated from Benson Technical High School in Portland in 1940. He worked as a welder in the Portland shipyards during the war, and also farmed the Cederbrook Dairy with his brothers and his parents in Sherwood. … Read more

Biography of Alfred Eoff

Alfred Eoff, the able and widely known cashier of the Boise City National Bank, possesses the undaunted spirit and business enterprise which have developed and are developing the marvelous resources and wealth of the western states and territories. All credit is due the brave and fearless frontiersman who paves the way for the on-coming tide of civilization, and, by his industry and zeal opens a thousand avenues for commerce and progress. In such a work Mr. Eoff has largely aided and in the history of Idaho he well deserves representation. Of Dutch ancestry, the forefathers of Alfred Eoff settled at … Read more