Biographical Sketch of Joseph E. Diederich

Diederich, Joseph E.; garage; born, Cleveland, April 5, 1879; son of Peter Diederich and Katherine Weixal; educated at Holy Trinity School; married at Cleveland, June 7, 1896, to Jeannette Youncker; prop. and mgr. Lorain and Clark Ave. Garage; director The West 25th Street Supply & Garage Co.; member West Side Chamber of Industry, West End Business Men’s Association, Gilmour Council, No. 310, Knights of Columbus.

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.