Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Crete

A member of the firm of Shea, McLain & Crete, prominent dealers in general merchandise at Silver City, our subject is a native of that place, born April 7, 1866 and is the son of Frederick and Wilhelmina (Kornmann) Crete, a sketch of whom will be found on another page of this work. Charles Crete attended the public schools of Silver City during his boyhood and began his business life in a store of William Hardman with whom he remained five years, during this time becoming thoroughly acquainted with the details of the business and acquiring an enviable reputation as … Read more

Biography of Frederick Crete, Sr.

One of the most successful pioneer citizens of Silver City is Frederick Crete, who is a native of Hanover, Germany, where he was born in August 1833. He is a brother of John Crete, Sr., whose sketch will be found elsewhere in this volume. While still a young man Mr. Crete decided to try his fortunes in the New World, of which he had heard so much, and bidding adieu to the Fatherland and all its happy associations, he embarked on a vessel which landed him in New York city in 1852. From there he found his way to Attleboro, … Read more

Biography of John Crete, Sr.

The Fatherland has furnished to America many of her valued citizens, men who have crossed the Atlantic to ally their interests with those of “the land of the free.” Adapting them-selves to entirely new surroundings, customs and manners, they have achieved success and won a place among the representative men of the communities in which their lots have been cast. Such is true of John Crete, the genial, well-known and popular proprietor of the War Eagle Hotel, at Silver City. Born in Hasbrouck, Hanover, Germany, April 25, 1832, he was a son of a Ger-man soldier who afterward became a … Read more