Caudle, Harley Floyd – Obituary

Harley Floyd Caudle was born Dec. 23, 1904, in Lostine, and died on April 23, 1997, in Enterprise at the age of 92. Harley was the son of Berkley V. and Carrie Viola Hammack Caudle. As a youngster he attended Lostine school until the age of 10 when he left home to go to work. He then worked for his room and board, milking cows, doing farm chores and continuing to go to school. All his life he was close to the land and animals, especially horses, which he broke and rode until three years ago when he was forced … Read more

Caudle, Berl – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Memorial Services were conducted by the Bollman Funeral Home Monday at 2 p.m. at the United Presbyterian church in Lostine for Berl Virgil Caudle who passed away Friday, September 18, 1964 at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Pendleton where he had been a patient for 5 days. Robert P. Rogers Jr. officiated and Steven crow was organist. Mrs. Orval McArtor and Mevin Crow sang ” Near To The Heart Of God’ and ” No Night There” Casket bearers were: Bud Wyanns, Myrl Zollman, Orval McCartor, Audas Bechtel, Lester Emmons and Glenn Allen and internment was in the … Read more

Caudle, Agnes – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Services Held for Agnes Caudle Mrs. Harley (Agnes) Caudle of Lostine, passed away Wednesday, March 19, 1975 at Wallowa Memorial Hospital following a short illness. She was born July 12, 1901 in the Leap area northwest of Enterprise, daughter of Jasper and Yauchey Chapman, and had lived in Wallowa County all of her life. On June 28, 1924 she was married to Harley Caudle at Enterprise. She was a member of the South Fork Grange and the CowBelles. Survivors include her husband, Harley, at the Lostine home; two daughters, Mrs. Duke (Rhee) Lathrop of Lostine and … Read more

Stephenson County Illinois World War 1 Veterans

Honor roll of the Great War, Stephenson County, 1917-1919

This small booklet contains all the known men and women who participated in World War 1 and claimed their home of record as Stephenson County, Illinois. By participation, this record does not limit this to soldiers, but also contains the records of those men and women who served the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., and other non-fighting positions. This book is free to read or download.

Caudle, Joe – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Memorial services for Joe Thomas Caudle who passed away at his home in Lostine on Monday, April 23, 1973, were Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Bollman Chapel. Rev. Joe Jewett officiated and Wanda Sorweide was organist. Ella McArtor sang “Under His Wings”and “Beyond the Sunset”. Casket bearers were: C. Raymond Johnson, Paul Yost, Art Bartmess, Bud Wynans, Orval McArtor and Cecil McCubbin; and internment was in the Lostine Cemetery. Joe was the son of Berkley and Carrie Caudle and was born April 17, 1898 in Summerville. He had lived in Wallowa County most of his … Read more

Caudle, Harley Floyd – Obituary

Harley Floyd Caudle Harley Floyd Caudle was born December 23, 1904, in Lostine, and died on April 23, 1997, in Enterprise at the age of 92. Harley was the son of Berkley V. and Carrie Viola Hammack Caudle. As a youngster he attended Lostine school until the age of 10 when he left home to go to work. He then worked for his room and board, milking cows, doing farm chores and continuing to go to school. All his life he was close to the land and animals, especially horses, which he broke and rode until three years ago when … Read more

Caudle, Thelma – Obituary

Thelma Caudle Dies from Bullet Wound Thelma Caudle, the fifteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caudle of Lostine, died Saturday noon from a rifle shot wound. Thelma was walking along a street of Lostine last Wednesday when a rifle bullet from a 22-rifle in the hands of Jesse Phillips struck her and passed through the body. Young Phillips who is fifteen years old maintains that the shot was purely accidental. He has been bound over to the circuit court on the charge of second degree murder. Wallowa County Reporter, Wallowa County, Oregon July 15, 1920

Caudle, Berkeley – Obituary

Memorial Services Held At Lostine Memorial services for Berkeley Caudle who passed away at Wallowa Memorial hospital Wednesday, Saturday 22, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Christian church in Lostine, under the direction of the Booth-Bollman Funeral Home. The Rev. Robert John officiated. With Miss Martha Crow at the piano, Mrs. Orval McArtor sang “Under His Wings”, and she and Melvin Crow sang “Beyond The Sunset.” Pallbearers were Wm. E. Williams, Orval McArtor, C.F. (Bud) Wynans, Kenneth Keeler, Crawford Oveson and Howard Williamson, with internment in the Lostine Cemetery. Omitted from the list of survivors in last weeks … Read more

Caudle, Carrie – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Memorial services for Mrs. Carrie Viola Caudle who passed away at the Wallowa Memorial hospital Monday afternoon, May 22, 1967, will be conducted by the Bollman Funeral home today (Thursday) at 2:30 p.m. at the Lostine United Presbyterian Church with Rev. Earl Eyre officiating. Mrs. Ella McArtor and Melvin Crow will sing “Under His “Wings” and “Beyond The Sunset”, and Mrs. Freda-Bobs Goodman will be organist. Casket bearers will be Bud Wynans, E.J. Blokland, Jack Read, Howard Williamson, Orval McArtor and E.J. Hook, and internment will be in the Lostine cemetery. Mrs. Caudle was the daughter … Read more

Caudle, Berkley – Obituary

Memorial Services Held At Lostine Memorial services for Berkeley Caudle who passed away at Wallowa Memorial hospital Wednesday, Saturday 22, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Christian church in Lostine, under the direction of the Booth-Bollman Funeral Home. The Rev. Robert John officiated. With Miss Martha Crow at the piano, Mrs. Orval McArtor sang “Under His Wings”, and she and Melvin Crow sang “Beyond The Sunset.” Pallbearers were Wm. E. Williams, Orval McArtor, C.F. (Bud) Wynans, Kenneth Keeler, Crawford Oveson and Howard Williamson, with internment in the Lostine Cemetery. Omitted from the list of survivors in last weeks … Read more