Biography of Mark Carley

Mark Carley was one of the founders of the city of Champaign: His name appears again and again in connection with the early annals of that city and of Champaign County, and always he appears as a man of force, of almost unlimited enterprise and of a public spirit that was in keeping with his many successes in private life. He knew much of the world by experience and had come to Champaign County soon after returning from an excursion to California during the great gold excitement on the Pacific Coast. His own life was to a large degree the … Read more

Electa Todd Carley of Pittsfield MA

CARLEY, Electa Todd7, (Justus6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Nov. 9, 1812, married about 1833, Samuel Carley. They lived many years in and near Pittsfield, Mass. Children: I. Samuel. II. Eugene.