Biography of Charles Biles

Charles Biles was born in Warren County, Tennessee, in Aug. 1809, and reared on a farm in North Carolina, removing when 19 years old to Christian County, Kentucky. In 1832 he married, and in 1835 removed to Illinois, soon returning to Hopkins County, Kentucky, where he resided until 1853, when he emigrated to Washington Territory in company with his brother James, their families, and C. B. Baker, Elijah Baker, and William Downing, and their families, being a part of the first direct immigration to the territory, via the wagon road through the Nachess pass. Mr Biles settled upon Grand Mound … Read more

Genealogy of Jonathan Biles

Jonathan Biles, born about 1646, lived in Beverly, being a house-carpenter by trade, but a yeoman as well. He was sworn a freeman 26: 9: 1678. He married, first, Elizabeth Patch Nov. 15, 1674, and she was his wife in 1696. He mar­ried, second, Margaret Cleaves May 3, 1716. He conveyed his house and some land to his son Nicholas Biles in 1719. He was living in 1727. Children, born in Beverly: Richard Biles, b. Nov. 8, 1675. Richard Biles, baptized in Beverly April 21, 1678. He was first a mariner, then weaver and husbandman, and lived in Gloucester until … Read more