Biographical Sketch of John W. Beavers

John W. Beavers, deceased; was born in Hampshire Co., Va., Sept. 3, 1814; he married Miss Mary A. Madden Sept. 10, 1840; she was born in Hampshire Co., Va., March 26, 1819; they had seven children, six living – Samuel M., John B., Richard R., George W., Marcellus S. and Mary E. He lived in Virginia until 1854, when he moved to Illinois, and settled about one-fourth of a mile west of the present village of Humbolt; in 1856, he moved to Iowa, and in 1857 he came to the present place; he was one of the first Road Commissioners … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Matthias Beavers

Matthias Beavers, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in Meade Co., Ky., June 6, 1823; his parents, William and Nancy, came to Clay Co., Ind., while he was an infant, and settled near Bowling Green, and after remaining there some six or seven years, came to Clark Co., and lived in the ” Rich Woods,” near Westfield, and about the year 1833, came to Coles Co. Mr. Beavers remained with his parents up to the age of 21, when he married Miss Elizabeth Endsley, daughter of Andrew Endsley, of Hutton Tp., on Jan. 2, 1845; shortly after, he came to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Beavers

William Beavers, farmer; P. O. Hutton; is one of the pioneers of this county, and was born in Loudoun Co., Va., on 23d day of July, 1797; at the age of 17, he left home, driving a team to Barren Co., Ky., remaining there for four or five years. In the year 1818, he married Miss Nancy Bradenburg (daughter of Henry Bradenburg), and after remaining at the home of her parents one year, rented a farm for one year, and, in 1820, went to Clay Co., Ind., remaining there for seven years; in 1827, he came to Clark Co., Ill., … Read more

Joseph C. Moore, Chickasaw

The case of Joseph C. Moore et al. v. Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations involved multiple legal proceedings concerning the citizenship status of Moore family descendants within the Chickasaw Nation. Initially granted citizenship by the Chickasaw District Court in 1884, their status was later challenged. Despite favorable rulings from the U.S. Court in 1899, the Citizenship Court ultimately denied their claims in 1904. Subsequent appeals and petitions continued until 1907, when the enrollment of claimants was disapproved.

Slave Narrative of Jane Montgomery

Person Interviewed: Jane Montgomery Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Homer, Louisiana Date of Birth: March 15, 1857 Age: 80 I was born March 15, 1857, in Homer, Louisiana. I claim to be 75 years old, but that’s jest my way of counting. My mother was Sarah Strong and my father was Edmond Beavers. We lived in a log cabin that had jest one door. I had two sisters named Peggy and Katie. Mammy was bought from the Strong family and my pappy was bought from Beavers by Mister Eason. We slept on wooden slabs which was jest make-shift … Read more

History of Jefferson South Dakota

History of Jefferson South Dakota

This history of Jefferson South Dakota provides a glimpse into the establishment, growth, and evolution of Jefferson, South Dakota, from its early days in 1859 up to the mid-20th century. Jefferson, strategically nestled between the Big Sioux River and the Missouri River, and bordered by the hills of Iowa and Nebraska, became a beacon for early settlers drawn by its promising land. The narrative begins with the arrival of the first white settlers among indigenous populations, highlighting the foundational role of families like Michael Ryan Sr., A. Christie, and Mr. Matthews.