Slave Narrative of Uncle Sabe Rutledge

Interviewer: Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Person Interviewed: Sabe Rutledge Location: Burgess, South Carolina Date of Birth: 1861 Place of Birth: Horry County SC (Testimony given by old man born 1861, The Ark Plantation. Horry County, owned by Mr. John Tillman) “Fust thing I realize to remember, I nuster cry to go to the old boss—old Massa—for sugar. Massa say: “‘Martha, what Newman (he call me that) crying for?’ Ma say, ‘Wanter come to you for sugar!’ “‘Bring the boy here, Martha!’ “He gi’e me sugar. “Boil salt? Pump! Pump! Pump it! Had a tank. Run from hill to sea. Had a … Read more