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Calumet District Telephone Directories

The Merrillville Branch of the Lake County Public Library have placed online several telephone directories for the Calumet District that previously were only available on Microfilm. The communities represented are Dyer, East Chicago, Griffith, Hammond, Highland, Indiana Harbor, Munster, St. John, and West Hammond in Indiana and Burnham, Lansing, and Whiting in Illinois.. These 28 directories were published by the Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation of Chicago twice annually, and those digitized cover the years of 1909-1960.

Genealogy of the Sharpless family

Five years after the great family bi-centennial reunion held on 25 August 1882 in Chester County, Pennsylvania, Gilbert Cope published his massive volume on the 200 years of Sharpless family ancestry in America, called “Genealogy of the Sharpless family : descended from John and Jane Sharples, settlers near Chester, Pennsylvania, 1682 : together with some account of the English ancestry of the family, including the results of researches by Henry Fishwick, F.H.S., and the late Joseph Lemuel Chester, LL.D. : and a full report of the bi-centennial reunion of 1882.”. This monumental, well-researched tome sought to answer the genealogical and…

1876-1878 Pacific Coast Business Directory

“The Pacific Coast Business Directory is intended to be a triennial publication, which will contain the name and post office address of each merchant, manufacturer, and professional engaged in business in the States and Territories bordering on or in the immediate vicinity of the Pacific Coast, with such information connected with the resources of that section of the country as will best exhibit their variety, character, and extent; together with any other data of general interest that will add to the value of the work as a useful manual of reference.” The above extract from the preface of the first…

St. Charles County’s Participation in the World War

Soon after World War 1 localities across the country wished to honor the men and women who had served the Nation from their locality. St. Charles County, Missouri, is one of these counties. This manuscript isn’t limited to just the men who fought overseas, it also includes the women who had participated via Red Cross and the men who had actively served in the various campaigns backing the War here at home.

Maryville College, Tennessee, Yearbooks, 1906-2009

Maryville College is located near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee. Founded in 1819, it is the 12th oldest institution of higher learning in the South and maintains an affiliation with the Presbyterian Church (USA). Known for its academic rigor and its focus on the liberal arts, Maryville College was the first college in Tennessee to enroll minority students and also the first college in Tennessee to award a bachelor’s degree to a woman, in 1875. The Maryville College, Lamar Memorial Library and Archives, funded by Lyassis Members and the Sloan Foundation have placed all of the yearbooks…

History of Littleton New Hampshire

The History of Littleton New Hampshire is comprised of three volumes, two volumes of history, and a final volume of genealogies. Considered one of the best examples of local history written in the early 20th century, is your ancestors resided in Littleton then you need these books. Read and download for free!

The Mason Family 1590-1949

This short manuscript starts with Robert Mason, immigrant ancestor and founder of this branch of the Mason family in America, was born in England about 1590. In 1630 he came to America with Governor John Winthrop’s company, probably, as so many of the early Puritans came, in quest of religious freedom. Here he settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts, where his wife, her name unknown, later died in 1637. After that, he removed with his sons, Thomas, John and Robert, to Dedham, Massachusetts, where he was one of the original landholders in 1642. He died there October 15, 1667. It then with…

1914 Plymouth County, Iowa, Atlas and farm directory

This 1914 Plymouth County, Iowa, atlas provides township maps for all townships and towns found within Plymouth County, Iowa, in 1914. The “farm directory” is found on each township map which appear as a land owner map for that township. The 4 towns found within the county, Akron, Kingsley, Le Mans, and Remsen have maps but they do not provide the property owners name in most instances. This atlas does not provide an index, and since the names of lot owners appear in multiple direction of the map, you will need to search each map by hand. That requires…

Pennsylvania German Pioneers

This set of manuscripts was compiled in the 1930s by Strassburger and Hinke in order to provide the descendants of Pennsylvania German pioneers a publication of the most accurate of original lists of arrivals. In order to do this they transcribed the hard-to-read German and American script of the passenger lists, oaths of allegiance to the Crown, and oaths of abjuration and fidelity to the proprietors. These three types of records form the basis for the Pennsylvania German Pioneers.

Early Records of Londonderry, Windham, and Derry, N.H.

The sources from which the Early Records of Londonderry, Windham, and Derry, N.H. have been drawn are Volumes I and II of the old town books. These old town books include minutes, ear markings, surveyors and homestead records, tax lists, inventory lists, accounts, school records and other miscellaneous records.

Sagas of the Hawkeyes

These articles about history in Iowa have been culled from old newspapers, local histories and biographies and were published in 1945 as a manuscript.

Baylor & Shortridge Receipt Book, 1822-1835

These are written notations of court judgements from Baylor & Shortridge Attorneys and cover the years of 1822-1835. Baylor & Shortridge were attorneys in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.

Hiram Shortridge was born in Kentucky and moved to Tuscaloosa in 1822.Robert Emmett Bledsoe Baylor was born in Lincoln County, Kentucky in 1793, and arrived in Tuscaloosa in 1822. Together these two men created the firm of Baylor & Shortridge. Robert Emmett Bledsoe Baylor was whom Baylor University was named after.

New London: A History of its People

Title:New London: A History of its PeopleAuthor:Carmelina Como KanzlerPublication date:1996Publisher: Digitizing Sponsor:Internet ArchiveContributor:Allen County Public Library Genealogy CenterRepository:Internet Archive Read Book Download Book New London – A History of its People Introduction My expectations for this book were clear from the beginning. I had a theme running in my head and a vision in mind’s eye. However, I must admit that the end result was far more than I envisioned. The history was to be about the different people that lived in New London beginning with the Native Americans who first inhabited this land, and continuing with those that arrived later.…

Black Roots in Southeastern Connecticut, 1650 – 1900

Title:Black Roots in Southeastern Connecticut, 1650 – 1900Author:Barbara W. Brown , James M. RosePublication date:1980Publisher:Gale Research CompanyDigitizing Sponsor:Charles E. Shain LibraryContributor:Charles E. Shain LibraryRepository:Internet Archive Read Book Download Book Black Roots in Southeastern Connecticut, 1650 – 1900 Forward In the process of compiling the material for BLACK GENESIS (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1978) it became apparent that one specific form of genealogical research was necessary in reconstructing the ancestry of blacks in the United States. That specific form is collecting and collating every scrap of material which can be found on all the blacks in a defined geographical area. While this…

Origin, history, and genealogy of the Buck family

Origin, history and genealogy of the Buck family : including a brief narrative of the earliest emigration to and settlement of its branches in America and a complete tracking of every lineal descendant of James Buck and Elizabeth Sherman, his wife

Refugio : a comprehensive history of Refugio County from aboriginal times, Vol 1

Title:Refugio : a comprehensive history of Refugio County from aboriginal times to 1953, vol 1Author:Hobart HusonPublication date:1953Publisher:Woodsboro, Tex. : Rooke FoundationDigitizing Sponsor:Internet ArchiveContributor:Allen County Public Library Genealogy CenterRepository:Internet Archive Read Book Download Book Notes About the Book 2 volumes : 24 cmBibliographical footnotes, and bibliographical references: v. 2 (pages 501-536)Photocopied Book.Skewed text.Pages with photographs at end of volume not paginated. Table of Contents Contents of First Volume Chapter I The Stage Setting The bays, rivers, water courses, ancient roads, of original Refugio County, landmarks and historical sites connected with each; together with notes on elevations, distances, etc. Chapter II The…

History of Chester, New Hampshire, including Auburn

In preparing for the 200th anniversary, in 1922, of the founding of the Town of Chester, a general desire was expressed that events which had occurred since 1869, together with the earlier ones which Benjamin Chase was unable to include in his History of Old Chester, should be published in suitable form. The History of Old Chester published in 1869 covered the ground so thoroughly that there is comparatively little to add. Since that time the town has not been making history to any great extent, shrinkage in population and prestige being the most prominent incidents of the last half-century,…

History of old Chester from 1719 to 1869

In my youth I was accustomed to hear my father, and other aged people, relate the incidents of olden time, in which I was always interested, and therefore remembered. When Dr. Charles Bell’s “Facts in Relation to the History of Chester” appeared in the seventh volume of the N. H. His. Soc. Coll., it was so small in compass, containing little or nothing respecting the Long-Meadows, I thought of collecting and preserving the traditional history of that part of the town. Upon mentioning the subject to the Hon. Samuel D. Bell, he insisted that we should have a history of…

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