Biography of James M. Teasley

James M. Teasley was born in Whitfield County, Georgia, in 1858, a son of Allen D. and Rhoda M. Teasley. The Teasley family came to Kansas in 1866, when James was about eight years of age. They came by way of Nashville, Tennessee, to St. Louis, thence by boat to Kansas City and reached the Solomon Valley by wagon and team. The Teasleys settled in a portion of Cloud County south of what is now called the Town of Glasco. The first homestead of the family is now the Charles Horn Place. Mr. James M. Teasley is of English origin, his … Read more

Biography of James M. Priddy

James M. Priddy. Among the progressive and substantial agriculturists of Shawnee County who have made an especially creditable record both in husbandry and in citizenship, is James M. Priddy, whose attractive residence and valuable farm are situated in Menoken Township, not far from the Village of Elmont. Since coming to Kansas, in 1869, it had been Mr. Priddy’s fortune to have realized many of his worthy ambitious, and through the exercise of industry, good judgment and business sagacity to have wrested from his opportunities a full measure of financial and general success. Mr. Priddy was born on a farm in … Read more

Biography of James M. Meek

James M. Meek is one of the veteran stock farmers and dealers of Nemaha County, and is now living retired at Centralia. Mr. Meek is widely known over this section of Kansas, especially through his terms of service in the Legislature and the Senate, in which he proved a capable representative of his constituency and did much to promote the wholesome business and civic interests of his state. Mr. Meek was born in Union County, Ohio, September 28, 1852, grew up in Northwest Missouri, and had been a resident of Kansas over thirty-five years. His ancestors were English people who … Read more

Biography of James M. May

James M. May. A great and forceful influence was removed from the religious affairs of the State of Kansas in the death of James M. May, which occurred at his home in Manhattan August 17, 1915. The best work of his life was performed as a Sunday School and church organizer and missionary. However, he had a wonderful adaptability and resourcefulness, and might have been successful as a mechanic, a farmer or in almost any line of business, had not his earnest devotion to the cause of religion kept him in that field of effort during all his active years. … Read more

Biography of James M. Kennedy

James M. Kennedy, who had lived in Kansas since 1869, was formerly a teacher, but since 1890 had been an active member of the Fredonia bar. He was born near the City of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, November 11, 1857. His father, Patrick Kennedy, was born in 1832 in County Tipperary, Ireland, came when a young unmarried man to the United States, first locating on a farm near Indianapolis, Indiana, and subsequently removing to Wisconsin, where he was a farmer near Foud du Lac. Just prior to the Civil war he returned to Indianapolis. In 1861 he enlisted in the … Read more

Biography of James M. Chisham

James M. Chisham. Perhaps no one had been more closely identified with the public affairs and public ntilitias of Atchison than Mr. James M. Chisham, who is now superintendent of the Atchison Water Company. For a number of years he filled official positions in the city’s government, and helped make Atchison a city of medern improvements, including paved streets, and possessed of those public utilities which are insoparable from health and convenience. He is an old resident of Atchison, having come to the city when a child. He had fought his own way to success. He was born in Randolph … Read more

Biography of James L. McCoy

James L. McCoy has for many years been identified with the lumber industry both in Kansas and Arkansas, and manages his extensive interests from his home and headquarters at Coffeyville. Nearly all his active career has been spent in the West and in the early days of Oklahoma he went there as a pioneer and opened a farm. James L. McCoy was born in Atchison County, Missouri, May 21, 1862. Four generations of the McCoys have lived in this country, having come originally from Scotland, and the family were early settlers in the State of Ohio. Mr. McCoy’s grandfather, Andrew … Read more

Biography of James L. Fitzmorris

James L. Fitzmorris is a native of Kansas, was a soldier in the famous Twentieth Kansas Infantry during the Philippine war, had gained more than a local reputation as a blooded cattle raiser and extensive rancher, and had also played a worthy part as a citizen of Fall River, where he is now serving as mayor. Mr. Fitzmorris was born in Elk County, Kansas, July 25, 1875. His father, Morris Fitzmorris, who was a very early settler in Kansas, was born in Ireland in 1843, a son of Thomas and Margaret (Carney) Fitzmorris. Thomas Fitzmorris in old age came to … Read more

Biography of James L. Beggs

James L. Beggs, who for six years had been commissioner of streets and public improvements in Kansas City, Kansas, had been a resident of that city thirty-seven years, and first knew the town when it was in the earlier stages of its development. For a number of years he had been well known in public affairs, and is also one of the city’s most capable business men. Mr. Beggs was born on a farm near Belfast, Ireland, December 6, 1869, but he had lived in the United States since two years of age. He was third in a family of … Read more

Biography of James J. Corkill

James J. Corkill, general superintendent of the Beatrice Creamery Company of Topeka, has spent most of his life in Kansas, and besides his present business connections he has a record of honorable service as a soldier, having been a member of the famous Twentieth Kansas Regiment in the Philippines, and afterwards serving two years with the Thirty-sixth Infantry in those islands. He was born on the Isle of Man, England, in 1877, but came to America in 1889. His parents were William and Matilda (Kneale) Corkill. His maternal grandfather was J. H. Kneale, whose family were English and came out … Read more

Biography of James J. Bulger

James J. Bulger has been a resident of Kansas since his boyhood and through recourse to the best of educational institutions in the Sunflower State he prepared himself for the legal profession, which he has dignified by his character and achievement and through the medium of which he advanced to judicial position, his service having been on the bench of the District Court of Cherokee County. Since 1912 he has been engaged in the general practice of his profession in the City of Wichita, where he has built up a large and important law business and retains a representative clientage. … Read more

Biography of James Humphrey

James Humphrey, as lawyer, editor, judge and state official, firmly established his position throughout a period of half a century as one of the ablest and most popular citizens of Central Kansas. He was born in Nottinghamshire, England, March 8, 1833; came to New England in 1854, and during the succeeding three years was a resident of Fall River, Massachusetts. There he became interested in the Kansas agitation for free statehood and in April, 1857, reached Manhattan. His first employment in connection with the shrievalty was a good test of his pluck, and he so arose to the occasion that … Read more

Biography of James Howard Beegle

James Howard Beegle. While the development of oil properties had not been, perhaps, so spectacular in Kansas as in some other states, it had been a steady, remunerative business since the beginning and the work had enlisted the interest and services of some of the most farsighted men of the state after they have had experiences in the same line in other and older sections. One of these keen business men is James Howard Beegle, oil well contractor and producer and owner of numerous profitable producing wells, in the neighborhood of Neodesha, Kansas, which had been his home since 1903. … Read more

Biography of James Henry Reed

James Henry Reed, superintendent of the city schools of Grenola, is an educator of wide and diversified experience, and had taught in various localities of several different states. He was born in Orleans, Indiana, January 15, 1858. His Reed ancestors came from England to Virginia in colonial days, and they were also connected with the Massachusetts branch of the same family. His grandfather, Jesse Reed, who was a blacksmith by trade, spent his last years at Orleans, Indiana. The family had lived in Kentucky after leaving Virginia, and from Kentucky went to Indiana. Henry Reed, father of Professor Reed, was … Read more

Biography of James Henry Powell

James Henry Powell. Chautauqua County had never had a more popular official than James H. Powell, who is now concluding his second term as sheriff. He had been a farmer, public official and prominent citizen of this section of Kansas for a quarter of a century. A noteworthy fact is that when he was re-elected in the fall of 1914 he was given the largest majority ever given a candidate for any office in Chautauqua County and carried every voting precinct. One of the valleys of the State of Tennessee had for many years been known as Powell’s Valley. The … Read more

Biography of James Henry Clay Brewer

James Henry Clay Brewer is a pioneer of Marion County, was one of the first merchants at Peabody, is a veteran officer of the Union army and had played an active and influentlal part in civic affairs in this section of Kansas for over forty-five years. He was born at Clear Springs, Maryland, July 11, 1838. His grandfather, Peter Brewer, was a native of Virginia and of Huguenot stock. He is a son of Captain Daniel and Mary (Hellar) Brewer. Captain Daniel was born in the same part of Maryland May 14, 1791, and during the War of 1812 was … Read more

Biography of James Henry Boice

James Henry Boice. In 1877 the late F. S. Boice arrived at Galena, and from that time forward was actively engaged in the mining operations that have always formed the basis of the prosperity of that city. For fully forty years the family has been prominently represented at Galena both in the mining industry and in mercantile and other affairs, and the work which was begun by the late F. S. Boice has been continued along even broader lines by his son James Henry. This is a family whose origin was in Scotland. From that county the father of F. … Read more

Biography of James Harvey Stewart

James Harvey Stewart of Wichita,who had been identified with Kansas for thirty years, is a lawyer by profession, is vice president of the National Bank of Commerce, is former state senator, and for twenty years or more had played a very infiuential part both in business and civic affairs at Wichita. He is now chairman of the Commerce Committee of the Wichita Commercial Club, had served as vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and is vice president of the Wichita Business Men’s Association, and is chairman of the Eighth District Congressional Republican Committee. At one time he was chairman … Read more

Biography of James H. Price

James H. Price. The large interests which have engrossed the time and energies of James H. Price have brought him to the very forefront among the business men of Crawford County, and particularly of that part lying adjacent to the City of Pittsburg, with which city he has been prominently identified for the past ten or more years. From the very start of his career, he has been interested, in one or another way, with the mining industry, and today he is known throughout Kansas as an extensive coal operator and contractor. Mr. Price was born in Herefordshire, England, April … Read more

Biography of James H. Luscombe

James H. Luscombe is present county attorney of Wyandotte County. He was elected in 1916 by a majority of 1,070 on the democratic ticket. He has been practicing law at Kansas City, Kansas, for the past eighteen years and entered the law after a long service as a plaster contractor. The chief factor in his success either as a mechanic or as a lawyer has been hard work. He is noted for the zeal and efficiency with which he handles every interest entrusted to his charge, and his uprightness of character and other qualifications made him one of the strongest … Read more