Biography of John Martin, Hon.

Hon. John Martin, who died at his home in Topeka September 3, 1913, was one of the distinguished Kansans of both the territorial and statehood eras. He was born in Wilson County, Tennessee, November 12, 1833, and was nearly eighty years of age when he died. He was the oldest son of Matt and Mary Martin, who were descended from some of the first settlers of Virginia. It was possible to gain only a meager education in the schools of the frontier district in which he lived, but John Martin made the best of his opportunities and aided by a … Read more

Biography of John Mahlan Moore

John Mahlan Moore has long been prominently identified with financial affairs in Kansas, was one of the leading bankers of Wichita and assisted in the organization of many banks in that section of the state and remained a resident of Wichita until a few years ago when he was translated to a higher sphere of banking in the metropolis of the Misspuri Valley at Kansas City. Mr. Moore is now vice president of the Southwest National Bank of Commerce of Kansas City, Missouri. His successful career in banking affairs in the Middle West is not due to a wealthy or … Read more

Biography of John Madison Dosbaugh

John Madison Dosbaugh. Ready adaptation to opportunity, a capacity for gauging the possible value of investments and securities and the well developed speculative instinct that places the natural banker and business man in a class by himself, are factors which have directed the business and financial energy of John Madison Dosbaugh, president of the Dosbaugh National Bank of Cedar Vale, and one of his community’s leading citizens and principal landholders. Mr. Dosbaugh had been identified with the bank of which he is now the directing head for more than a quarter of a century, during which period he had aided … Read more

Biography of John MacDonald

John MacDonald of Topeka has probably done more for the cause of education in Kansas than any other one man, and in saying this no disparagement is intended for the scores of men and women who have devoted much of their lives to educational work. He may well be distinguished as a pioneer in the method of reason as applied to learning. His kindly personality has left a deep impress for good, and many who have achieved distinction in the different walks of life are indebted to him for their early training. Throughout his career he has evidently been impressed … Read more

Biography of John M. Winter

John M. Winter. Among the respected citizens of Manhattan, Kansas, no one stands higher than John Winter, a reliable business man and since May, 1914, postmaster of this city. He was born at Volkartshain Province Oberhessen, Grosherzogtum Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, February 27, 1854, and is a son of John B. and Elizabeth (Greb) Winter. His father belonged to the working class and, although industrious, had accumulated little means, so that, when John had completed his public school training, his future lay almost entirely in his own hands. As soon as possible he began to learn the carpenter trade, in the meanwhile … Read more

Biography of John M. Nelson

John M. Nelson is one of the oldest business men of McPherson County, and had continuously been dealing in hardware and implements at Lindsborg for thirty-four years. One of the oldest merchants, he is also one of the oldest settlers, having come as a boy with his parents to McPherson County almost fifty years ago. From pioneer times to the present his family have been an important factor in the material development and general well being of this section of Kansas. Mr. Nelson was born November 1, 1852, on Boberg farm, Sunne Wormland, Sweden, a son of Jan and Stena … Read more

Biography of John M. Morley

John M. Morley has devoted practically his untire career to the business of banking, is one of the largest private bankers in Northeastern Kansas, is sole owner of the Bank of Severance and is also president of the State Bank of Purcell. Born at Mason in Warren County, Ohio, November 23, 1852, he is of Catholic parentage and ancestry, His grandfather, John Morley, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, and spent his life there as a farmer. Boger Morley, father of John M., was a territorial pioneer in Kansas. Born in County Mayo, Ireland, in 1829, he came to this … Read more

Biography of John M. Leeper

John M. Leeper. One of the very successful contractors at Topeka is John M. Leeper, who when a young man learned the trade of brick mason, and on that trade as a foundation has built up a large business in brick contracting and the services of his organization has entered into the construction of several of the most conspicuous public buildings in the state. He is a native of Kansas and was born in Lyon County, September 6, 1872, when that section of the state was still well out on the frontier. His parents were Samuel S. and Elizabeth C. … Read more

Biography of John M. Gilman

John M. Gilman, on account of his previous experience, is recognized as one of the ablest members of the present Legislature of Kansas. He is from Leavenworth County, and his career in all phases had been one of useful work and usefulness both to himself and to his community. He spent many years as an educator, is a practical and scientific farmer, and had done much for his part of the state as a scientific investigator and experimenter in agriculture. His father, John Gilman, was a territorial pioneer of Kansas. He came from Canada to Kansas in 1857, taking up … Read more

Biography of John M. Everts

John M. Everts. When he came to Kansas Mr. Everts took up farming and with every reason might still be classifled as a farmer since he had two well improved places in Nemaha County near Baileyville. For over twenty years, however, he had given much of his time to the Baileyville State Bank, of which he is the general cashier. Mr. Everts was born near Mansfield in Richland County, Ohio, August 10, 1857. His grandfather, Gilbert Everts, was born in Canada in 1802, but reared his family and spent many years as a farmer in Richland County, Ohio. In 1880 … Read more

Biography of John M. Danielson

The splendid development of the southern part of Saline County had been largely due to the presence of a colony of thrifty Swedish people who located there about 1869-70. This colony as a whole acquired many thousands of acres in what are now the Townships of Smoky View and Smolan, and the Swedish people have predominated in that section ever since the original colonization. While for many years he had been one of the most conspicuous among. the Swedish people of Saline County, John M. Danielson had a special distinction as a settler there, since he was in advance by … Read more

Biography of John M. Copeland

John M. Copeland is one of the three survivors of that group of pioneers who constituted the original settlement of Glasco in Cloud County. His name had been closely identified with the pioneer history of that loeality for more than forty-five years. His part had been an honorable one, had been useful both in what he had accomplished as a private citizen and as a business man and public spirited factor in local affairs. Apart from his service as a soldier during the Civil war his life had not been one of conspicuous activities, and his accomplishments have come through … Read more

Biography of John M. Cain

Mr. John M. Cain, father of Mrs. Harwi, was born July 30, 1839, at Castletown, Isle of Man. He grew up on his native island, attended the select schools, and learned the trade of carpenter. At the age of seventeen, in 1856, he immigrated to America and identified himself with the territory of Kansas. Here he lived a very useful and prominent career. He was successively a farmer, soldier, merchant and banker. During the period of bitter border warfare he was a volunteer in the company organized by A. S. Peck and Asa Barnes. In 1862 he entered Captain P. … Read more

Biography of John Loy

John Loy, father of Mrs. Edwin Grant Betz, was born in Perry County, Pennsylvania, in 1840. He grew up and married there, took up farming as his vocation, afterwards moved out to Illinois and was a farmer near Freeport four years, then returning to his native state and county, where he remained five years. On his next journey westward he came to the vicinity of Chapman, Kansas, arriving in the spring of 1880 and buying a section of land in Dickinson County. He was more than ordinarily successful as a farmer and business man, and was one of the esteemed … Read more

Biography of John Levi Hunt, Hon.

Hon. John Levi Hunt. It may be said that Hon. John Levi Hunt, assistant attorney-general of Kansas, and member of the leading law firm of Wheeler, Switzer & Hunt, is one of the fortunate men of Topeka. He was fortunate in having a good parentage, a fair endowment of intellect and feeling, a liberal education, in attaching himself to one of the learned professions, and in casting in his lot with the people of Topeka when her enterprises were probably at their fullest tide of development, and under circumstances which enabled him to co-operate in her material growth. While he … Read more

Biography of John L. Troutman

John L. Troutman. With the exception of one year, when he was traveling in California, the entire carser of John L. Troutman, since he was thirteen years of age, had been passed in Kansas and in agricultural pursuits. He had resided and carried on operations in various parts of the Sunflower State, making a success of his enterprises in each locality, and at the present time is the owner of a valuable alfalfa farm at Twenty-first Street and California Avenue, Topeka. Mr. Troutman comes of a farming family and had ingrained in his make-up the inclination for the soil that … Read more

Biography of John L. Robinson

John L. Robinson. The absolute honesty, the feeling of community interest, the intelligent public spirit that belong and illuminate the best type of citizen, are all qualities demanded of men who enter the banking field. The close relation between banks and a community’s prosperity makes the banking business one of paramount importance. One of the well known financiers of Neosho County, Kansas, is John L. Robinson, president of the Fidelity State Bank, at Chanute, áa business man of long and honorable experience. Mr. Robinson was born June 25, 1865, in Delaware County, Iowa, and is a son of A. M. … Read more

Biography of John Kossuth Beatty

John Kossuth Beatty. Before the Indians had been completely removed from Southeastern Kansas across the line into what is now Oklahoma, the Beatty family established its residence in Montgomery County. It is an old and honored name in this section of the state. It is probable that John K. Beatty, a prominent real estate man of Coffeyville, is the oldest native of Montgomery County still living who has spent his entire active career within the limits of that civil division. To speak of him as being the oldest native son is by no means to credit him with age, since … Read more

Biography of John Knox Rankin, Col.

Col. John Knox Rankin, who died at his home in Lawrence, October 29, 1915, was a distinguished citizen of Kansas. He was a territorial pioneer, had served with credit in the many scenes of the Civil war enacted in this state, and was well described as “an ardent advocate of the activities that promoted the welfare of state and city, and a splendid embodiment of the best of Kansas citizenship.” The many qualities and characteristics that found expression during his long life were undoubtedly inherited in part from a notable ancestry. He was descended from John Rankin, who was of … Read more

Biography of John Kiene

John Kiene is one of the younger men in the educational affairs of the state and is principal of the high school at Madison. Mr. Kiene is broadly and liberally educated, and had a practical knowledge that comes not from books alone. He was born on a farm at Valencia, Kansas, December 30, 1893. His father is Mr. F. A. Kiene, a well known citizen of Shawnee County now living on his farm near Topeka. He was born in 1834 in Alsace Lorraine, France, but in 1846, as a boy of twelve, was brought to America by his parents, who … Read more