Miss Catherine Stewart Hunter

MISS CATHERINE STEWART HUNTER: who was born in New York, is a descendant of Capt. Elijah Hunter, of New York. She was a daughter of Dr. Abraham Thew and Adeline Morrison Hunter; granddaughter of Ezra and Rachel Thew Hunter; gr.granddaughter of Elijah and Anna Drake Hunter. Elijah Hunter, 1775, was Lieutenant in Capt. Daniel Mills’ Company, Col. James Holmes’ Regiment, and was Captain of grenadiers at the Battle of White Plains. He served as a delegate from Westchester County to the Assembly. He was born at New Castle, 1749, and died, 1815, at Mount Pleasant (Sing Sing).

Matthew Hunter

C.I.E. 1916; Indian Educational Service (retired); s. of late William Hunter, Conside, Settle, Yorkshire; unmarried. Educ.: Giggleswick School and Heidelberg University; Queen’s College, Oxford; Strasburg University. Honours, Final School of Natural Science; Burdett-Coutts University Scholarship in Geology; M.A. 1890. Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics, Rangoon College, 1890-1905; Acting Principal Rangoon College, 1905, and 1909-11; Principal, Rangoon College, (now University College), Rangoon, 1922. Address: 28 West Bourne Park Villas, W. 2. Club: Savile.

Major Richard Devas Hunter

MAJOR RICHARD DEVAS HUNTER: D.S.O. 1919 late The Cameronians; y.s. of Robert Lewin Hunter of Lincoln’s Inn; m. 1918, Vixen, dau. of Harry Lomas; one s. Served European War (D.S.O. and bar, despatches thrice, Ordre de Leopold avec Croix de Guerre). Address: 39 South Street W.1. Club: Naval and Military.

Major General Woodburn Hunter

MAJOR GENERAL WOODBURN HUNTER: R.A.; b. 24 May 1844; s. of Lieut.-Col. Charles Hunter; Bombay Army; m. Marion, dau. of Major General James Morris, of the Bombay Army, 1870; two s. two dau. Educ.: Brighton Coll.; Cheltenham Coll. Entered Royal Artillery, 1865; Capt. 1877; Major 1884; Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1885; Col. 1889; Major General 1898; retired, 1902; Colonel Commandant R.A., 1911; served Nile Expedition, 1884, (despatches, brevet of Lieut.-Col., medal with clasp, and Khedive’s Star).

Lt.-Col. Thomas Hunter

LT.-COL. THOMAS HUNTER: C.I.E. 1923; I.M.S.; Civil Surgeon, Lucknow, India; Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Lucknow; b. 1873; s. of Thomas Hunter, of Kilmar nock; m. Jessie Catanach, dau. of Adam A. Haig, Innerleithen; two s. three dau. Educ.: Kilmarnock Academy; Glasgow University; M.A. 1892; B.Sc. (1st Hons.) 1895; M.B., Chem.B. (1st Hons.) 1897; M.D. 1907. Entered I.M.S. 1898; Capt. 1891; Major 1910; Lt. -Col. 1918; served with China Expeditionary Force, 1900-01; Civil Surgeon United Provinces since 1902. Address: Chelston, Beckenham, Kent; T.: Ravensbourne 993; 24 Outram Road, Lucknow, India: T.:30. Clubs: East India United Service; United Service, … Read more

Lt.-Col. Charles Finlayson Hunter

LT.-COL. CHARLES FINLAYSON HUNTER: D.S.O. 1916; late 4th Dragoon Guards; b. 1880; y.s. of James Hunter of Glenapp, Ballantrae, Ayrshire; educ.: Repton. Joined 4th Dragoon Guards 1899; Adjutant Pembroke Yeomanry, 1905-09; served European War with 4th Dragoon Guards, 1914-18; D.A.A.G. Headquarters I.E.C., 1916, (despatches 4 times); Legion D’Honneur, D.S.O., Bt. Lt. Col.; D.A.A.G. Headquarters L. of C.; A.A.G. Fifth Army, 1916-17; A.Q.M.G. British Mission, French G.Q.G. 1917-18; retired pay, 1924. Clubs: Army and Navy, Ranelagh, Roehampton.

Lewis Boudinot Hunter

LEWIS BOUDINOT HUNTER: surgeon, b. in Princeton, N.J., 9 October 1804; d. in Philadephia 6 June 1887. He was the son of Andrew Hunter. Was graduated at Princeton in 1824, and at the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1828. On 3 March 1871, was a medical director with the rank of Commodore, and retired.

Joseph Hunter

JOSEPH HUNTER: (1783-1861), antiquary, was born at Sheffield on 6 February 1783, being the son of Michael Hunter, who was engaged in the cutlery business. His mother dying while he was quite young, he was placed under the guardship of Joseph Evans, a Presbyterian minister, who sent him to school near Sheffield, where he received the rudiments of a classical education, while he devoted all his spare time to antiquarian studies and to the collection of church notes, filling many volumes, still in existence, with copies of monumental inscriptions, coats of arms, and the like. He was removed in 1809 … Read more

Joseph Hunter

JOSEPH HUNTER: of Nantucket, Mass., and Annah Hawes, of Chatham, Mass., published their marriage intention February 20, 1766. She was born 1738, and was living as Annah Hunter in 1781.

John Ward Hunter

JOHN WARD HUNTER: Congressman, b. in Brooklyn, N.Y., 15 October 1807. He was educated in the common schools of Brooklyn, engaged in business there in 1836-65, was assistant auditor in the custom house. In 1866 was elected as a Republican to fill out the unexpired term of Joseph Humphrey, dec., serving from December, 1866 till March, 1867. He was Mayor of Brooklyn in 1875-76.

John Kelso Hunter

JOHN KELSO HUNTER: (1802-1873), artist and cobbler, second son of one Hunter of Chirnside who removed to Ayrshire in 1799, and died there about 1810, was born at Dunkeith, Ayr shire, on Dec. 1802, and was for some time employed as a herdboy. He was apprenticed to a shoemaker, and on the expiration of his indentures settled at Kilmarnock in the pursuit of his calling. He afterwards taught himself portrait-painting, attained to a respectable position as an artist, and removed to Glasgow, where he was employed alternately as an artist, and a shoemaker. In 1847 he exhibited a portrait of … Read more

John Hunter, M.D.

JOHN HUNTER: M.D., (d. 1809), physician, was born in Perthshire, and studied medicine at Edinburgh, where he graduated M.D. in 1775. His college thesis, “De Hominum Varietatibus et harum causis,” shows him to have had a good education as well as a turn for research and correct reasoning. It was republished in an English translation by Bendyshe in 1865, as an appendix tc Blumenbach’s treatise on the same subject in the publications of the Anthropological Society. He was admitted a licentiate of the College of Physicians of London in 1777, and appointed physician to the army through the interest of … Read more

John Hunter, LL.D

JOHN HUNTER: LL.D. (1745-1837), classical scholar was born in the autumn of 1745 at Closeburn, Dumfriesshire, his father, it is said, being a farmer there. Although left an orphan in boyhood, he received a good elementary education before entering Edinburgh University, where he was a distinguished student, although supporting himself largely by private teaching. His scholarship attracted the attention of Lord Monboddo, who employed him as his private secretary for several years after he left college. In 1796, he published at St. Andrews a complete edition of Sallust, and in 1797 an edition of Horace which he reissued in 1813 … Read more

John Hunter

H164 JOHN HUNTER: married 1680. H165 JAMES HUNTER: married 1722. H166 JAMES HUNTER: b. 1816. H167 SIR CHARLES HUGHES HUNTER: created Baronet 1910. H168 SIR WILLIAM BLAKELEY HUGHES HUNTER. Motto: Dum Spero Spero.

John Hunter

JOHN HUNTER: (1728-1793), anatomist and surgeon, born on 11 February 1728 at Long Calderwood, in the parish of East Kilbride, Lanarkshire; was the youngest of ten children. His father John Hunter (d. 1741, aged 78), was descended from an old Ayrshire family, Hunter of Hunterston, and was a man of intelligence, integrity, and anxious temperament. His mother Agnes Paul, daughter of the treasurer of the city of Glasgow, was an excellent and handsome woman. As a boy Hunter showed little taste for books, country sports, and being allowed to neglect school, never overcame the defects of his education. When about … Read more

John Hunter

JOHN HUNTER: was in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1644. He died in 1648-49.

John Hunter

JOHN HUNTER: Senator, b. in S. Carolina about 1760. He received an academic education, engaged in agriculture, and in 1792 was elected to Congress serving till 1795. He was elected United States Senator from South Carolina in 1796 in place of Pierce Butler who had resigned and served from February 1797 till 1798, when he resigned.

John Dunn Hunter

JOHN DUNN HUNTER: adventurer, b. in a settlement West of the Mississippi about 1798; d. near Nacagdoches, Texas early in 1827. According to his own narrative he was made captive by the Kickapoo Indians when an infant, and adopted into the family of the principal warriors. He afterward fell into the hands of a party of Kansas Indians, and was finally received among the Osages, where he was adopted for the third time. He was dangerously wounded in an engagement with the Canis, and before he was recovered he was taken by the Osages across the Rocky Mountains into the … Read more

Joel Hunter

JOEL HUNTER: certified pub. accountant. See Vol. 1 (1924-25), “Who’s Who in America.”

James Blake Hunter

JAMES BLAKE HUNTER: B.A.; Deputy-Minister of Public Works of Canada since 1908; b. Watertown, Ont. 31 Aug. 1876; s. of D. H. Hunter; B.A., Principal, Woodstock, Ont. Collegiate Institute, and Eunice, dau. of J. B. Kitchen, J.P. of St. George, Ont.; educ.: Woodstock, Ont. public schools; Woodstock Collegiate Institute and Toronto University; B.A. Honour graduate in Modern Languages and History. Engaged in newspaper work for a short time on the “Sentinel Review,” Woodstock, Ont.; then entered Canadian Civil Service in 1900 as Private Secretary to Hon. James Sutherland, Minister of Marine and Fisheries; transferred in 1902 to Department of Public … Read more