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Featured items from within our collections

The Massachusetts Tax Valuation List of 1771

The Massachusetts Tax Valuation List of 1771 contains the names and descriptions of taxable property of nearly 38,000 individuals who resided in 152 Massachusetts towns in 1771

Angola High School Yearbooks 1906-1917, 1925-1975

Angola High School yearbooks were named the Spectator up to about the year 1917, by 1925 they had taken the name The Key, and continued with that name through 1975. First published in 1905, by its senior class, the student yearbook format varies year by year. The 1906 class yearbook contains a list of past principals, teachers, and alumni (with current 1906 town.)

Augusta Montana High School Yearbooks 1921-1923, 1950-2014

These 68 volumes of Augusta Montana High School Yearbooks range from the years of 1921-1923 and 1950-2014. Included are also a manuscript of early one-room schoolhouses around Augusta, and a history of Augusta High School covering the years of 1921-1971.

New Jersey Marriage Index 1901-2016

Alec Ferretti, a budding genealogist, took upon himself the task of filing an OPRA request with the New Jersey Department of Health, seeking the marriage indices that legally should have been made available to the public (based on the law) but had not been. After being denied his request, he sought the help of genealogist’s newest friends, Reclaim the Records. They with their legal team helped Alec successfully challenge the denial, and to make this story short, though it wasn’t, they were able to get the indices available opened to the public and published on The setup at archive,…

1909-2012 Goshen High School Yearbooks

Goshen High School yearbooks were named the Crimson up to the year 2003 when each year was given its own title.  First published in 1908, by its senior class, the student yearbook format varies year by year. Later editions are large format. Editions prior to 1926 are sometimes in a monthly student newspaper format.

St. Paul Minnesota Directories 1856-1922 and 1981

This dataset comprises a total of 64 directories which cover the years of 1856-1922 (incomplete) and 1981. They were placed online by the St. Paul Public Library and are completely free for viewing and printing.

Virginia High School Yearbooks

The following collection of free high school yearbooks and annuals from the state of Virginia comes from the collection of the Library of Virginia. They were digitized as part of the Internet Archive.

History and Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

From the record of the town’s annual meeting held “March 6, 1769”, we learn that it was “Voted that Joseph Wood, Jonathan Darling and Robert Parker be a Committee to lay out Roads where they should think proper to convean the Town on this side of the Salt Pond.” The year previous the town voted “For to clear a Rhode from here to Pronobscutt” and chose a committee consisting of Samuel Foster, Israel Wood, Robert Parker, Joseph Wood and John Roundy to attend to laying out said “Rhode”. At the annual town meeting held “Monday, April 7, 1794, voted that…

Small Town Newspapers

Small Town Papers gives you free access to the people, places and events recorded in real time over the decades or even centuries! Browse and search the scanned newspaper archive from 1846 up to the current edition! Their archives contain millions of names of ancestors not found anywhere else. Enhance your Ancestry research with their high resolution scanned newspaper archive. Find distant relatives and discover your ethnic heritage by reading the articles about family and friends written back in the day.

Boone County Indiana Genealogy

A guide and directory to Boone County Indiana genealogy, containing both online and offline resources for genealogy and historical research. This article contains sources of genealogical data about Boone County such as biographies, cemetery records, census records, church records, court records, family records, land records, military records, naturalization records, and vital records.

Lowell Massachusetts Genealogy

Tracing ancestors in Lowell, Massachusetts online and for free has been greatly enhanced by the University of Massachusetts in Lowell which provided digitized version of a large quantity of the Lowell public records. Combined with the cemetery and census records available freely online, you should be able to easily trace your ancestors from the founding of Lowell in 1826 through 1940, the last year of available census records. To add color to the otherwise basic facts of your ancestors existence we provide free access to a wide range of manuscripts on the history of Lowell, it’s manufactures and residents.

WPA Annals of Cleveland Ohio, 1818-1937

During the New Deal Era, workers of Annals of Cleveland staff summarized and indexed material from early Cleveland newspapers, beginning with the inaugural issue of the city’s first paper, the July 31, 1818 Cleaveland Gazette and Commercial Register. The project provided jobs for unemployed white-collar workers during the Depression of the 1930s and created an important record of early life and thought in the city of Cleveland.

The Clayhill Church Register 1887-1939

Clayhill Church is off County Road 5511 in Brundidge, Pike County, Alabama. These images are digital representations of their complete church register covering the years of 1887-1939. This is a valuable source of genealogical information for those who comprised the membership of this church. It’s also a great complement to any transcription of it’s cemetery as it may include information on the unreadable headstones, and those who have no headstones. Included within this register are birth, baptism, death, burial and membership information. Unfortunately there was no marriage information recorded.

Free Massachusetts Vital Records

This is a collection of 197 free vital records books, otherwise known as “Tan Books” for Massachusetts towns. Generally these records go up to 1849/1850 at which, the genealogist can use the census records to assist in identifying the family connections further. Included with this article is an account of why and how these manuscripts were published along with links to all 197 books which can be freely read or downloaded.

Memoirs of a French Village: a chronicle of old Prairie du Rocher, 1722-1972

In summarizing or evaluating the history of Prairie du Rocher, one must note the impact that historical events and influences have made on present day, Prairie du Rocher. The community is today, as it was in the 1700′ s, basically an agricultural community. The farmers no longer live in the village, but they remain the basic economic factor in the village. The farm lands which surround Prairie du Rocher, are among the most fertile and bountiful soils in the world. The limestone bluffs, from which the French obtained stone for the construction of Fort Chartres, today provide livelihood for many…

Seneca County New York Genealogy

A guide and directory to Seneca County New York genealogy, containing both online and offline resources for genealogy and historical research. This article contains sources of genealogical data about Seneca County such as biographies, cemetery records, census records, church records, court records, family records, land records, military records, naturalization records, and vital records.

Indian Captivity Narratives

This collection contains entire narratives of Indian captivity; that is to say, we have provided the reader the originals without the slightest abridgement. Some of these captivities provide little in way of customs and manners, except to display examples of the clandestine warfare Native Americans used to accomplish their means. In almost every case, there was a tug of war going on between principle government powers, French, American, British, and Spanish, and these powers used the natural prowess of the Indians to assist them in causing warfare upon American and Canadian settlers. There were definitely thousands of captivities, likely tens…

History of the Indian Wars

Our relations with the aboriginal inhabitants of this continent form a distinct and very important, and interesting portion of the history of this Republic. It is unfortunately, for the most part, a history of bloody wars, in which the border settlers have suffered all the horrors of savage aggression, and, in which portions of our colonial settlements have sometimes been completely cut off and destroyed. Other portions of this thrilling history, evince the courage, daring, and patience of the settlers, in a very favorable point of view, and exhibit them as triumphing over every difficulty, and finally obtaining a firm…

Autauga County Alabama Genealogy

An extensive collection of material relating to Autauga County Alabama genealogy, includes vital records, cemeteries, census, history, and other records.

The Migration of Voyageurs from Drummond Island to Penetanguishene in 1828

The story of the transfer of the British garrison from Drummond Island to Penetanguishene in 1828 and the migration of voyageurs connected with the post has never been told in print. In the following notes Mr. Osborne has endeavored to gather this story from the lips of the few survivors who migrated at that time. Descendants of French-Canadians largely predominated in this movement, but we also get glimpses of what a strange and heterogeneous people once gathered around Mackinaw and Drummond Island, especially about the time of the coalition of the two fur companies in 1821. The migrant voyageurs settled…

Registers of the Parish of Michilimackinac

The records from the register at Michilimackinac are here provided as they were translated by Edward O. Brown back in 1889. His translation came from a transcript of the original, which latter is kept in the parish church of Ste. Anne, at Mackinac. Annotated throughout are Mr. Brown’s biographical knowledge of the events of Michilimackinac and the people within. Don’t pass over the footnotes for the record, you may find a biographical reference hidden there!

The Canadian Biographical Dictionary

The Canadian Biographical Dictionary contains 527 biographies of men who were deemed by the publishers to be representative of all who took part in the social, intellectual, and material progress of the Country of Canada. Our presentation currently consists of volume 1 only, which was specifically devoted to the County of Ontario.

Goodspeed’s History of Tennessee

Map of Tennessee
Access Free Genealogy 1
Goodspeed Publishing Company wrote a series of volumes on the history and people of Tennessee that were published in 1887. The following data and histories have been extracted from those volumes and comprise this collection on Tennessee. This collection contains 165 biographical sketches along with some Civil War rosters. Civil War Rosters Company A, Forty-first Tennessee Confederate Infantry Company C, Fourth Confederate Infantry Company D, First Tennessee, Confederate States Army Company E, of the First Tennessee Confederate Infantry Company G, Forty-first Tennessee Confederate Infantry Company H, Eighth Tennessee Confederate States Army Forrest’s Escort…

Biographies of the Pacific Northwest

This collection details 671 biographies of the Pacific Northwest: Early leading citizens of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington are all encompassed by this manuscript. Many of the people traveled to the area via the large and small wagon trains. Some came for gold, some for land, some for opportunity… whatever their reason, they settled in the area claimed by many Native American tribes, and their lives are often woven into the lives of the tribes of the area.

History Gazetteer and Directory of Devonshire 1850

The History, Gazetteer and Directory of Devonshire 1850 provides a historical look at the county of Devonshire prior to 1850. Devonshire, the largest county in England, except Yorkshire, and the most westerly except Cornwall, ranked among the first in agricultural importance, and the sixth in amount of population. Occupying the whole breadth of the central portion of that great south-western peninsula of the British Island, which juts out between the Bristol and English Channels, and having more than 150 miles of sea coast, and some fine navigable rivers and broad estuaries, Devonshire was one of the most important maritime counties…
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History of Williamsville Illinois, 1853-1953

The “Williamsville Centennial Souvenir Program, 1853-1953,” authored by Jane Brown Groves, is an historical record celebrating the first hundred years of Williamsville, Illinois. Published in 1953 by “Star” Printing Co. in Springfield, Illinois, this program is dedicated to Miss Jane B. Groves for her relentless dedication to compiling the historical data contained within. Her family had been integral to the development of Williamsville for over a century, contributing to its economic, social, political, religious, and educational spheres.

History of Bosque County, Texas, 1850-1954

“Bosque County, Texas,” authored by William C. Pool, is an historical account of Bosque County, Texas, spanning from its early settlement in 1850 through the mid-20th century. Published in 1954 by the San Marcos Record Press, this book builds on the only previously printed work on the county’s history—a pamphlet authored by Hugh J. and Calvin M. Cureton in 1904.

History of the Churches of Del Norte County CA

“A Century of Life and Faith in Del Norte County” by Don M. Chase, published by the Del Norte Triplicate in 1954, offers a detailed historical account of the religious life and institutions in Del Norte County, California. Covering the period from 1854 to 1954, this book explores the development of various denominations and churches within the county, emphasizing their foundations and growth over a century.

An Informal History of Osawatomie Kansas

“A Town Between Two Rivers” by Charles A. Knouse presents an informal history of the city’s founding, development, and significant events. This book, published as part of the Osage Valley Centennial in 1954, provides a comprehensive narrative based on documented history and personal accounts from residents. The narrative focuses solely on factual events, avoiding conclusions or opinions.

History of Lisbon Ohio, 1803-1953

“Historical Sketch Compiled for the Sesquicentennial Celebration of Lisbon, Ohio, July 18 to 26, 1953; 1803-1953” by Mary S. M. Firestone provides a detailed account of Lisbon, Ohio’s rich history in honor of its 150th anniversary. Published by the Buckeye Publishing Company in 1954, this 202-page book offers a comprehensive overview of the town’s development, from its early days to the mid-20th century.

History of the Olympic Peninsula

“The Last Wilderness” by Murray Cromwell Morgan, published in 1955 by Viking Press in New York, is a comprehensive historical account of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. Spanning 275 pages, this book delves into the rich and tumultuous history of the region, offering insights into its pioneering days, the challenges of its lumber ports, and the establishment of Olympic National Park.

This was Hudson, Wisconsin

“This Was Hudson” by Willis H. Miller is a compact yet rich compilation of historical narratives focusing on Hudson, Wisconsin, originally published in 1955 by the Star-Observer Publishing Co. This book emerged from a special centennial edition of the Hudson Star-Observer, the town’s weekly newspaper, which marked its 100th anniversary in 1954. The edition featured a collection of articles that captured the essence and history of Hudson and its surrounding areas.

History of Johnson County Texas 1854-1954

The History of Johnson County Texas is a special supplement and official program to the Centennial Celebration, originally titled “Johnson County Century Re-call, 1854-1954.” It commemorates a century of history, growth, and community spirit in Johnson County, Texas. Assembled to celebrate the centennial from May 2nd to May 8th, 1954 in Cleburne, Texas, this supplement offers an extensive look at the people, events, and developments that had shaped the county over their past 100 years.

A History of Chandler, Arizona, 1912-1953

“A History of Chandler, Arizona, 1912-1953,” authored by Robert Conway Stevens, is an insightful academic work published by the University of Arizona Press in 1955. This book is a master’s thesis, presented to the faculty of the Department of History at the University of Arizona as part of the requirement for a Master of Arts degree. Over the course of 106 pages, Stevens embarks on a detailed exploration of the foundational years of Chandler, Arizona, from its establishment in 1912 up to 1953.

History of Silver Creek Nebraska, 1866-1966

Silver Creek, Nebraska, a testament to the enduring spirit of American frontier towns, began its history modestly in 1866. Nestled along the waters of its namesake, Silver Creek, the town’s origins are deeply intertwined with the development of the Union Pacific Railroad, which catalyzed its growth and established it as a pivotal locale in Merrick County. By 1880, Silver Creek was thriving, populated by settlers drawn by agricultural prospects and the burgeoning railroad industry. These early residents, primarily of European descent, built a community that valued hard work, education, and religious life, evidenced by the early establishment of churches and…

History of Archer Nebraska, 1887-1987

In 1987, in celebration of its centennial, the Archer community enlisted Helen Boelts as the chief editor to compile a centennial book in honor of 100 years of history. In this manuscript the writers and editor labor to tell the story of Archer, from its founding by Mr. C. D. Chapman to its establishment and progress in 1987. Of particular importance to genealogists is the large section on the families of Archer Nebraska.

Reminiscences of Early Lawrence Kansas

“Reminiscences of early Lawrence” by Agnes Emery, self-published in 1955, offers a deeply personal and detailed account of the author’s experiences and observations in Lawrence, Kansas, during its formative years. Emery’s narrative blends historical details with a vivid recollection of community life, making it a valuable resource for understanding the local history of Lawrence and the broader societal changes of the time.

1955 Directory, First Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia

This manuscript is a directory of the First Methodist Church in Athens, Georgia for the year 1955. It includes a history of the Methodism in Athens, Georgia, which we published below. Included within the manuscript is a list and photographs of special groups of the Church, a list of Pastors from 1825-1955, and a complete membership roll in 1955. The membership roll includes each member’s name, address, and their telephone number. It also includes an out-of-town membership roll.

Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches

Wyoming’s Pioneer Ranches aims to capture the essence of the people who shaped the Laramie Plains. It portrays their courage and cowardice, faith and skepticism, vision and blindness, responsibility and recklessness, humility and pride, kindness and cruelty, fortune and misfortune, competence and ineptitude. If this narrative manages to convey these diverse human experiences, then it will have successfully used the authors’ inherent talents to chronicle the history of one of Wyoming’s and the West’s significant natural landscapes. The saying “Grass Makes Wyoming and Wyoming is the West” captures the essence of this unique region.

History of Polk Nebraska, 1874-1974

In 1974, sisters Mrs. Dwight Burney and Mrs. Irvin Anderson, edited a centennial celebration for the town of Polk Nebraska titled Polk Memoirs: Where Corn is King, 1874-1974. In this manuscript they and other townsfolks provide a look at the people and businesses that made up Polk in both the past and present. Genealogists should pay special attention to the families section.

A history of Williams, Arizona, 1876-1951

James R. Fuchs’ “A History of Williams, Arizona, 1876-1951” chronicles the development of the small Arizona town of Williams. Established in 1881, Williams began as a post office, then a railroad camp. The town’s economy shifted from ranching and railroading to lumbering, and finally, to tourism thanks to its proximity to the Grand Canyon.

Some Sandy Basin Characters

It is the purpose of this volume to capture and preserve some of the more striking activities of a few prominent leaders of Sandy Basin, as learned from available records and the existing recollections of the pioneers, and to show how the men and women of its earlier days lived and exerted themselves to make a living for their own families and to be of service to their less fortunate neighbors.

Tombstone Inscriptions from Relocated Cemeteries in Wise County Virginia

The dam that impounds the North Fork of Pound Reservoir is situated on the North Fork of the Pound River, approximately 184 miles upstream from the mouth of the Big Sandy River and 1.1 miles upstream from the mouth of the North Fork in Wise County, Virginia. Construction of the dam commenced in 1962. Cemeteries located above the dam and within the impoundment areas were relocated to higher ground, respecting the preferences of the closest living relatives. Detailed records of these relocations are provided here, including the names of the nearest kin at the time of each grave removal.

History of Fairgrove Michigan, 1852-1956

The document provides a detailed history of Fairgrove Township, Michigan, from its early settlers to significant developments up to 1956. The initial pages describe the purpose of the document and its contributors. Eliza Black Atkinson, born in 1867 and a long-time educator in Tuscola County, wrote the primary history in 1949, focusing on pioneer families who settled before 1890. The history covers various aspects of township development, including land acquisition, the establishment of infrastructure, and the community’s growth through personal stories and family histories.

Freemont Nebraska Centennial History 1856-1956

In the heart of the United States, nestled within the vast expanse of the Great Plains, lies Fremont, Nebraska—a town whose story encapsulates the indomitable spirit of American settlement and growth. “The Prairie Venture: Fremont Nebraska Centennial History 1856-1956,” penned by Carroll W. Thompson, offers a detailed chronicle of this remarkable community from its founding through to its centennial celebration. Through meticulous research and captivating narrative, Thompson not only records the pivotal moments in Fremont’s history but also paints a vivid picture of the challenges, triumphs, and transformations that define this community.
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