Mercus M. Murphy

Private, 1st Class, Engineers Training Reg., Co. C, 8th Reg.; of Catawba County; born March 20, 1892; son of S. M. and Etta Gault Murphy. Entered service Sept. 5, 1918, at Hickory, N.C. Sent to Camp Humphreys, Va. Sent to Base Hospital at Camp Humphreys, Va. Died at Humphreys, Va., October 14, 1918. Buried at Hickory, N.C.

Mercer C. Parrot

Lt., Med. Corps, in the Navy. Entered service in the 5th Naval District; the son of George F. and Julia F. Parrott, of Lenoir County. Husband of Corinne Hancock Parrott. Resident of Kinston, N.C., going from there to Norfolk, Va., Nov. 17, 1917. Commissioned Lt. Jr. grade August, 1917; Lt. Sr. grade July 1, 1918. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Feb. 4, 1919.

Medford C. Mease

1st Lt., Q. M. C., Construction Div. Born in Haywood County; son of J. H. and Hester L. Mease. Entered service Dec. 19, 1914, at Canton. Sent to Camp Lee, Va., June 23, 1917. Transferred to Baltimore, Md., then to Washington. Transferred to special naval duties June, 1916, and from there to Camp Lee, Va., in charge of material for construction. Mustered out at Washington Oct. 25, 1919.

Med Ellis

Private, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County; son of Warren and Mrs. Gillie Ellis. Entered service June, 1916, at Wilson, N.C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N.C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C., then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Calais, France, June 7, 1918. Fought at Ypres July 27th to Aug. 2, 1918, at Bellicourt, Premont, Busigny, Ribeauville, Mazinghein and Hindenburg drive. Served on Mexican border eleven months. Arrived in USA from St. Nazaire, France, April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 7, 1919.

McKinnon Carmichael

1st Lt., Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Son of N. J. and Mary C. Carmichael, of Jones County. Husband of Mrs. Julia B. Carmichael. Entered service June 20, 1916, at New Bern, N.C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, transferred to Camp Jackson, Sevier and Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917, and Oct. 31, 1918, 1st Lt. Fought at Meuse-Argonne and St. Die. Was on Mexican border six months. Returned to USA Aug. 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Sept. 2,

McClellan Wagner

1st Class Private, Med. Dept.; of Davidson County; son of B. B. and Mrs. Lula P. Wagner. Entered service June 22, 1918, at Kansas City, Mo. Sent to Camp Pike, Ark., transferred to Ft. Oglehtorpe, Ga., then to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Mustered out at Camp Pike, Ark., Oct. 16, 1919.

Max Robinowitz

Private 1st Class, M. C., 316th Regt., Med. Detachment. Born in Guilford county Oct. 24, 1897; son of A. and Emma Lee Robinowitz. Entered the service at High Point, N.C., May 25, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C., and then transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France July, 1918. Served in hospital work throughout service. Returned to the USA August, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 12, 1919.

Max L. Barker

Major, Inf., 81st Div., 321st Reg.; of Rowan County; son of William R. and Mrs. Mary E. Barker. Husband of Mrs. Nellie (Vanderford) Barker. Entered service N.C. N. G., 4th Inf., Feb. 23, 1897. Served 5 months in Army of Cuban Occupation. Promoted to 2nd Lt. 3rd Inf., N.C. N. G. May 3, 1899. 1st Lt. 3rd Inf., N.C. N. G., Nov. 27, 1902. Capt. 1st Inf. April 4, 1904. Major C. A. C. Aug. 4, 1908. Lt. Col. C. A. C. July 4, 1912. Colonel N.C. N. G., retired March 15, 1914. Major 321st Inf. USA Aug. 15, 1917. … Read more

Maurice D. Watts

2nd Lt., F. A. Born in Martin County Aug. 29, 1894; the son of J. W. and Ophelia Watts. Husband of Ethel Dent Watts. Entered service July 14, 1918, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Camp Taylor, Ky., Sept. 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Ky., Dec. 17, 1918.

Mathew R. Kilpatrick

Private 1st Class, Co. B, 81st Div., 322nd Regt.; of Halifax County; son of K. E. and Josephine Kilpatrick. Entered service May 30, 1918, at Weldon, N.C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Upton, L. I. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne from 9th to 11th of November. Returned to USA June 18th, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 24, 1919.

Mathew J. Pappas

Cook, A. G. Dept. Lives in Forsyth County and son of Jeremiah and Alony Pappas. Entered the service at Winston-Salem, N.C., August 21, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills and from there to Camp Merritt. Promoted cook January, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 28, 1919.

Marvin Reid Floyd

Pvt., Med. Corps, 118th Field Hospital, 30th Div., 105th Reg. San. Tr.; of Guilford County; son of G. C. Floyd and Mrs. Ada Floyd. Husband of Mrs. Thelma Laura Floyd. Entered service March 8, 1918, at High Point, N.C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France June 22, 1918. Fought at St. Quentin Front, Ypres Front. Wounded at St. Quentin by shrapnel, Sept. 27, 1918; wound in left leg. Gassed at St. Quentin Front, Sept. 27, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 12, General, St. Louis. Sailed from Brest, France, Jan. 23, 1919; landed … Read more

Marvin L. Bost

Corpl., 115th Machine Gun Battn. Co. B, 30th Div.; of Iredell County; son of F. K. and Mrs. M. A. Bost. Entered service June 4, 1917, at Statesvile, N.C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Aug. 1918. Fought at Belgium, Voormizelle, Mt. Kemmel, Belgium, Bellicourt, Nauroy engagement, Hindenburg Line. Sailed from France March 10, 1919. Landed in USA March 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 2, 1919.

Marvin Kivett

Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Son of W. L. and Esther Kivett, of Guilford County. Husband of Mrs. Bertha P. Kivett. Entered service June 28, 1917, at Shelby, N.C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C.; transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Landed in France June 11, 1918. Fought in all engagements with 105th Engineers, 30th Div. Returned to USA April 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 18, 1919.

Marvin J. Owen

Private, 1st Class, Co. C, 28th Div., Reg. 303, Field Artillery. Son of W. E. and Alice L. Owen, of Davidson County. Entered service June 25, 1918, at Lexington, N.C.; was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C.; transferred to camp at Hill, Va.; sailed for France August 22, 1918; fought at Toul sector in November, 1918, and in the same month was on the offensive at Marchville, Privetville, Butgneville, Bois de Hartville; arrived in United States latter part of April and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., May 15, 1919.

Marvin C. Brown

Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. D, 81st Div., 321st Reg.; son of W. H. and Minnie Bettie Brown of Iredell County. Husband of Bettie Robbenet Brown. Entered service May 16, 1917, at Statesville, N.C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 20, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. Returned to USA July 1, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 3, 1919.

Marvin B. Fletcher

Corpl., F. Artly., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th Regt.; of Onslow County; son of R. J. and Nora Fletcher. Entered service July, 1917, at New Bern, N.C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Sept. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel, Woevre, and all other engagements with his outfit. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, March 22, 1919.

Martin L. Cleaver

Private, Arty. Batt E, 1st Reg. Born in Moore County, N.C., Feb. 23, 1897. Son of Isaac and Julia L. Cleaver. Husband of Rosa Pelcher Cleaver. Entered the service at Carthage, N.C., Sept. 23, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C., Dec. 11, 1918.

Marshall E. Woollen

Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engineers, 30th Div. Son of J. W. and Mrs. Emma Woollen, of Forsyth County, and husband of Grace Woollen. Entered service June 24, 1916, at Charlotte, N.C. Sent to Camp Greene. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France April, 1918. Fought with his regiment in Belgium and France. Returned to U. S. April, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, April, 1919.

Marion Sims Johnson

Corpl., Bugler, 120th Inf., Co. M, 30th Div. Born in Durham County; son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson. Entered the service Aug. 5, 1917, at Durham, N.C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France from Boston. Fought at Bellicourt, Hindenburg Line. Gassed at Hindenburg Line Oct. 20, 1918. Was sent to Hospital, Le Treport, France. Died March 16, 1919, at Le Mans. Buried at Grand Le Mans. Death caused by bronchial pneumonia. Was prepared to sail for U. S. when he died.