Biography of Andrew J. Snelson, M. D.

Dr. Andrew J. Snelson, who has been actively and successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in northeastern Oklahoma during the past two decades, has continuously maintained an office in Checotah since 1908 and is numbered among the leading representatives of the profession here. His birth occurred in Johnson County, Arkansas, on the 1st of January, 1862, his parents being John and Cynthia S. (Davis) Snelson, both of whom were natives of Overton county, Tennessee. The father enlisted for service in the Confederate army at the time of the Civil war and was killed in battle at Camden, … Read more

Biography of Andrew Henderson

Andrew Henderson, sheriff of Washington county, Oklahoma, was born at Bates City, Missouri, May 2, 1878, a son of A. J. and Katherine (Ferguson) Henderson. The father, who was a native of Illinois and a highly educated man, was a farmer and stock raiser. He left his native state when eighteen years of age and on removing to Texas he located in Limestone county, where he engaged in the cattle business for many years, driving his cattle to the market at Kansas City, Missouri. He then obtained a lease on the entire site where the town of Dewey now stands, … Read more

Biography of Anderson Wilson

Anderson Wilson, farmer and contractor, residing two and one-half miles southwest of Delaware, Nowata County, was born on the Verdigris River, Indian Territory, on the 11th of February, 1888, a son of Adam and Amanda (Bascumb) Wilson, natives of Kansas. His father was three-quarters Muncie Indian and the mother was a Delaware. Upon the outbreak of the Civil war, Adam Wilson enlisted in the cavalry, becoming a member of Company Three, Fifteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteers. He was likewise a scout with Custer. Both parents are deceased. In the acquirement of an education Anderson Wilson attended the schools of Nowata, Oklahoma, … Read more

Biography of Amanda Payne Morgan Bell

The life history of Amanda Payne Morgan Bell, who formerly, served as County Superintendent of schools, will prove of interest to her many friends and acquaintances. She was born in Fort Smith, Arkansas, her parents being Gideon and Mary L. (Payne) Morgan, the former born near Nashville, Tennessee, and of Cherokee Indian descent, while the mother’s birth occurred in Arkansas. In early life the father removed to Arkansas and eventually to Oklahoma, the train on which he was riding being the first to stop at Gibson Station, this state. Here he became a large planter and took a very active … Read more

Biography of Alfred Thomas Bailey

Alfred Thomas Bailey, whose life record constituted a fine example of manliness, industry and enterprise, was prominently identified with oil interests of northeastern Oklahoma and his sudden demise in 1918 brought with it a sense of overwhelming loss to his mother, to whom he was ever a most devoted son, and was also the occasion of deep and sincere regret to the many he had made during the period of his residence in this part of the state. A native of Canada, he was born at Ottawa, in the province of Quebec, on the 25th of September, 1873, his parents … Read more

Biography of Alfred Mason Gott

Alfred Mason Gott is quietly passing his days in the home of his niece, Mrs. D. D. Howell of Nowata, and around him are many relics, showing that all of his days have not been as quiet and peaceful as at the present, for he is numbered among the old Indian fighters of this section of the country and has passed through all of the experiences and hardships of pioneer life and the later era of progress and development. That his business affairs have been carefully managed is indicated in the fact that he is now one of the largest … Read more

Biography of Alfred J. Tayrien

From pioneer times until the present the name of Tayrien has figured prominently in connection with the development and up-building of Oklahoma and Alfred J. Tayrien, who represents the third generation of the family in this state, is actuated by the same spirit of progress and enterprise which dominated his for-bears, worthily bearing his part in the work of progress and advancement here. He was born in Osage County on the 17th of May, 1899, and is a son of Andrew, and Francis Tayrien, the latter May of Osage extraction. The father is also a native of Osage County, his … Read more

Biography of Alfred J. Smysor

Bartlesville owes much to the progressive spirit and notable business ability of Alfred J. Smysor, whose extensive real estate operations have been a dominant force in the up-building and development of the town, and he is also recognized as a successful merchant and oil operator. He was born in Windsor, Shelby County, Illinois, February 4, 1873, and there attended the grammar and high schools, later attending a business college. In 1893 he completed his studies and then became a member of the firm of Smysor & Son, of which his father was the head, continuing active in general l merchandising … Read more

Biography of Alexander Tindle

Alexander Tindle, sheriff of Adair county and a veteran of the World war, was born near Stilwell on the 23d of April, 1893, a son of James L. and Annie (Johnson) Tindle. The father was a native of Missouri, who went to Indian Territory at an early age and there married Miss Annie Johnson, a member of a prominent Cherokee family, her parents having originally come from Georgia. For many years Mr. Tindle engaged in farming and stock raising and achieved substantial success in that connection. His demise occurred on the 20th of April, 1906. His widow is still living. … Read more

Biography of Alexander Sondheimer

Alexander Sondheimer, banker and merchant, recognized as one of the representative and progressive business men of Muskogee, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, May 11, 1873, and is a son of Joseph and Johanna Sondheimer. His youthful days were spent in St. Louis and in Muskogee, for he was but six years of age when brought by his parents to this city. His father had first visited Muskogee in 1867 and, pleased with the city and its prospects, he brought his family here in 1879, so that Alexander Sondheimer pursued a part of his education in the schools of Muskogee. … Read more

Biography of Albert N. Earnest, M. D.

Dr. Albert N. Earnest, a surgeon of Muskogee, is numbered among the native sons of Oklahoma and his record as a successful member of the medical profession stands in contradistinction to the old adage that a prophet is never without honor save in his own country. Dr. Earnest was born near Webbers Falls, in Muskogee county, September 13, 1890, and is a son of J. T. and Ellen (Carlisle) Earnest. The mother is one-fourth Cherokee and was born in Texas, of which state the father is also a native. He came to the Indian Territory when a boy with his … Read more

Biography of Albert H. Burgess

One of the representative business men of Coweta, Wagoner County, is Albert H. Burgess, manager of the Minnetonka Lumber Company here. He was born in Pottsboro, Grayson County, Texas, on the 15th of July, 1880, a son of Connor and Sallie (Reeves) Burgess, also natives of that county. For many years the father engaged in agricultural pursuits but he is now living retired in Pottsboro. The mother died in 1918. Albert H. Burgess was reared in Pottsboro and attended the public schools of that community. At the age of twenty-one years he made his initial step into the lumber business … Read more

Biography of Albert F. Armstrong

Another member of the Armstrong family who is engaged in farming in Nowata County is Albert F. Armstrong, a brother of Charles F., whose sketch appears on another page of this work. A native of Kansas, he was born in Wyandotte County, on the 3d of April, 1865, a grandson of Chief Journeycake and a son of Henry Armstrong, who is now living retired in Coffeyville, Kansas. He is a nephew of J. E. Campbell of Nowata, while H. L. Campbell of the first National Bank of Nowata is a cousin. Albert F. Armstrong received his early education in the … Read more

Biography of Addison Fox McCaleb

Addison Fox McCaleb, one of the most prominent and prosperous citizens of northeastern Oklahoma, where he first took up his abode forty-three years ago, was elected mayor of Bartlesville in April, 1920, and has since capably discharged the duties devolving upon him in that important position. He was born at Harrison, Tennessee, on the 10th of January, 1861, a son of Charles and Elizabeth (Gardenhire) McCaleb, the former a native of east Tennessee and the latter of Hamilton county, that state. The father held the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Civil war and was wounded in battle, but his … Read more

Biography of Ad V. Coppedge

Ad V. Coppedge, the pioneer lawyer of Delaware county and the first county attorney, has also been connected with every important constructive measure that has led to the up building, development and progress of this section of the state. He became a resident of Grove in 1963 and throughout all the intervening period has taken active part in shaping the county’s up building. Mr. Coppedge was born on a farm in Missouri near the Arkansas line, January 26, 1870, the old homestead being situated at Thayer. His parents were Houston Harrison and Tennessee Martha (Bledsoe) Coppedge, and the mother, a … Read more

Biography of A. W. Ketchum

In the demise of A. W. Ketchum, which occurred on the 8th of February, 1921, when he was seventy-one years of age, Oklahoma lost one of its honored pioneers who was a witness of the growth and development of the state and an active factor in its progress. He was a sagacious business man whose interests were capably managed and at his death he was able to leave his family in comfortable financial circumstances. He was born in Leavenworth, Kansas, December 15, 1850, and came to Indiana Territory with the Delaware Indians under Chief Johnnycake, who was one of the … Read more

Biography of A. T. Hill

Among those whose progressive methods and intelligently directed efforts have constituted factors in the agricultural development of Washington county is numbered A. T. Hill, a member of one of the pioneer families of the state and the owner of a desirable farm near Bartlesville which in all of its appointments reflects the progressive spirit and capable management of the owner. A native son of Oklahoma, he was born in Dewey, August 3, 1874. His father, who as known as Mr. Top-of-the-Hill, was a native of Kansas and a member of the Delaware tribe, with whom he came to Indian Territory, … Read more

Biography of A. R. Burton

A notably successful career is that of A. R. Burton, who is the owner of a valuable farm in the Sand Creek district, near Bartlesville, which in all of its equipment is thoroughly modern, while the methods employed in the cultivation and development of the place are the expression of the latest scientific research along agricultural lines. He also receives a good income from oil wells upon his property and is a most astute and enterprising business man, carrying forward to a successful issue whatever he undertakes. A. R. Burton is a native of West Virginia. He was born in … Read more

Biography of A. O. Harrison

A. O. Harrison, a member of an old and honored family that has figured prominently on the pages of American history, is a leading representative of the Bartlesville bar and is now capably filling the office of city attorney. A native of Missouri, he was born in Callaway County, September 25, 1871, his parents being Jilson Payne and Catherine (Bernard) Harrison, the former a native of Kentucky, while the latter was born in Virginia. In the paternal line the ancestry is traced back to General William Henry Harrison, known as “Tippecanoe,” who won fame in the Indian wars of 1812. … Read more

Biography of A. M. Whorton

A. M. Whortan, Superintendent of schools at Delaware, Nowata County, was born in McDonald County, Missouri, on the 8th of January, 1879, a son of C. O. and Isabelle (Hopper) Whortan, the former a native of Alabama and the latter of Missouri. When a youth the father removed from his native state to Arkansas and for many years he engaged in farming, achieving more than substantial success in that connection. He is now living in Fayetteville in retirement. Mrs. Whortan died in 1896. In the acquirement of an education A. M. Whortan attended the public schools of Missouri and in … Read more