Biography of Frank B. DeVine

No history of Riverside purporting to record her growth and prosperity can lay claim to real value and interest that does not award the merit to her mercantile enterprises, and the men who have conducted them. Most prominent in this record would be the names of Boyd & DeVine, commission merchants and jobbers, whose establishment is located on the corner of Eighth Street and Pachappa Avenue. This is one of the most important wholesale and commission houses in the city, dealing extensively in groceries, grain, honey, etc. They are also large fruit and raisin packers, placing their products on the … Read more

Biography of Barnabas Tibbals

Barnabas Tibbals, owner of a fine orange grove in Brockton Square, on the south side of Bandini Avenue, about two miles south of Riverside, purchased this place in August, 1887 and immediately commenced his horticultural pursuits. At this writing his land, consisting of ten acres, is all in orange trees, except a few deciduous trees and table grapes. About one-half of his trees are seedlings, and the rest Washington Navels. He has spent much labor in pruning, fertilizing and cultivating, since buying the place, and has now a very productive grove. The improvements on the place consist of a commodious … Read more

Biography of William Finch

Among the prominent and well-known horticulturists of Riverside is the subject of this sketch. A brief resume of his life is as follows: Mr. Finch dates his birth in Rensselaer County, New York, in 1821. He was reared and schooled at his native place near the city of Albany, and followed the occupation of his father, which was that of a farmer. His parents, Cyrenius and Minerva (North) Finch, were both natives of New York. In 1850 Mr. Finch started for the great West, and was among the pioneer settlers of Minnesota. He first located in Ramsay County; thence went … Read more

Biography of Samuel C. Evans

Samuel C. Evans, one of the most prominent men of Riverside, and who has spent over fifteen years of an active business life in conducting some of the largest business enterprises in the colony, one of which is the Riverside Land and Irrigation Company, came to Riverside in 1874 and purchased a half interest in nearly 10,000 acres of land, known as the Hartshorn tract; the land is now known as the Arlington part of Riverside and Arlington Heights. Captain W. T. Sayward, of San Francisco, was the owner of the other half. These gentlemen in the same year commenced … Read more

Biography of Edwin Hart

Among the leading horticulturists of Riverside colony none are more deserving of mention than the subject of this sketch. Mr. Hart is a native of Cortland County, New York, born in 1835, and reared and received his education in his native place. At the age of eighteen years he started for the great West, and located in Beloit, Wisconsin. His boyhood days, when not attending school, were spent in his father’s store, and was somewhat schooled in mercantile life, but upon his advent in Wisconsin he engaged in farming. He spent eight years in that State, and in 1862 moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Hewitt

Harvey Hewitt, residing three miles northwest of Redlands, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1859. His father, Isaac L. Hewitt, was a native of New York, and for fifteen years was senior member of the firm of Hewitt & Schofield, petroleum commission. At one time he owned a line of steamers on Lake Erie. He is now retired from active life. He had five children, the subject of our sketch being the fourth. He was educated at the Polytechnic Institute at Brooklyn, New York. He was connected with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, on the engineer corps, for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. H. Sinclair

H. H. Sinclair, Redlands, was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1858. He attended the public schools of that city, and afterward went to Cornell University, and was a member of the class of 1880. Subsequent to this he practiced law in New York City for two years. Then he engaged in the shipping business for a while. His health failing he came to California, and has since given his attention to his fine orange orchard in Lugonia. He is a member of the city council of Redlands, and was a member of the first board. He is also a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. E. Button

M. E. Button, a rancher near San Bernardino, was born in Onondaga County, New York, and moved to Ohio when he was twenty-three years old and engaged in farming. There, in 1834, he was married to Miss Mary Bittles, also from York State, the daughter of Thomas and Ann (Spence) Bittles, both natives of Ireland. They had six children, and moved to Geauga County, Ohio, when Mary was seventeen years of age, where he engaged in farming until his death, which occurred in 1889. Mr. Button lived two years at Salt Lake, where he stopped on his way to the … Read more

Biography of William A. Hayt

There is no man more deserving of mention among the representative citizens of Riverside than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch; nor is there a man in the community who has done more to promote the growth of the city than he. He is always alive to its interests, and his name is generally the first among the subscribers to any enterprise that is conducive to the welfare and prosperity of the community. Such facts as have been gathered regarding his life are of interest. Mr. Hayt was born in Putnam County, New York, in 1832. His father, Harry … Read more

Biography Of Alden C. Hillman, A. M.

Alden C. Hillman, A. M. One of the venerable educators of Kansas was Alden C. Hillman, of Salina, whose death occurred on the 24th of January, 1917. Mr. Hillman was the first man selected for a position in the faculty of the Kansas Wesleyan University. He began his work as an educator before the war, was very prominent in the State of Illinois in school work for many years, and for more than thirty years was a resident of Kansas. He was born May 23, 1832, at Charleston, New York, a son of Ezra and Permelia (Horton) Hillman. Both parents … Read more

Biography Of Harvey W. Ide

Harvey W. Ide was one of the men who bore a conspicuous part in the early history of that section of Kansas around Leavenworth. He arrived when Kansas was a territory, and at the height of the epoch-making struggle over the slavery question. He was long distinguished as a lawyer, for many years was judge of the district bench, and a leader possessing not only brilliant intellectual qualities but that moral stability which is the expression of a strong character. He was born in Saratoga County, New York, April 19, 1833, and fourteen years later, in 1847, his father, Rodman … Read more

Biography of Amos W. Bemis

Amos W. Bemis, living two and one-half miles west of San Bernardino, on Fifth Street, is one of the early and successful pioneers of this county. He was born in Jefferson County, New York, and is a son of Alvin Bemis, who with his family removed to Ohio when Amos was eight years of age. In 1844 he removed to Lee County, Iowa, where he died in 1847. The family lived in Lee County three years after Mr. Bemis’ death, and in 1851 the mother, seven sons and three daughters, started for California. Amos being the eldest the others naturally … Read more

Biography of Job W. Massey

Job W. Massey, farming and stock; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Cheshire, England, June 28, 1822. He married Miss Sarah Gould Dec. 4, 1847; she was born in North Molton, Devonshire, England, Feb. 23, 1827, and died Aug. 8, 1877. They had six children, viz., William H., now living; Job Francis died at the age of 17, child died in infancy, Nannie now living, George E. died at 18 months of age and Joseph Charles died in his 18th year, from the kick of a horse. He lived in England about six years, when, … Read more

Biography of John Henry Stewart

John Henry Stewart, one of the most prominent citizens of San Bernardino, was born of Scotch parents in Williamstown, Massachusetts, April 28, 1823. His father, Samuel Stewart, removed his family to Oswego County, New York, when John Henry was but two years old, and his childhood and youth were passed there. At an early age he learned the trade of house carpentering and joining, which he followed for many years. Being the oldest in a family of eight children and his father not enjoying good health, a large share of the support of the family fell on his shoulders,-a burden … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reuben J. Anderson

Reuben J. Anderson was born in Smithfield, Madison County, New York; he passed his youth and early manhood like most boys, and in the spring of 1853 came by water to California. He landed at San Francisco May 5, 1853, and followed mining for three years. He subsequently purchased 160 acres of land five miles from San Jose, and here farmed for two years. He then sold out and bought a place a mile west of Haywards, and remained on it until 1856, when he removed to San Bernardino County. He bought land near town, on which he kept stock. … Read more

Biography of George H. Crafts

George H. Crafts, a rancher near Redlands, was born in New York City in 1844, and came to California with his father in 1861. His father, Myron H. Crafts, was born in Whately, Massachusetts, in 1816, and established the first temperance grocery in New York City. He also had a large meat-curing house there, but was burnt out in 1844, and then went to Jackson, Michigan, where he started a soap and candle factory. He next went to Windsor, where he farmed for a while, and then went to Detroit and accepted a position as cashier in C. & A. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. B. F. Watrons

R. B. F. Watrons. – No man in Redlands is more worthy of mention in a work of this kind than is B. F. Watrons, M. D. He came to Redlands with $350, with which he bought a team and went to work. He had previously contracted for ten acres of land for $1,000, and had paid $250 down. He began improving it the second year and put up a $400 house. He afterward bought ten acres more for $1,500 and borrowed money for the first payment. In five years he had bought and paid for thirty-one acres in Redlands … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Charles A. Kingsbury

Rev. Charles A. Kingsbury, of Redlands, was born in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1839, the third of a family of five children. His father, Isaac Kingsbury, was a market gardener for a period of fifty years. The subject of this sketch was educated at Williams College, and also graduated at the Union Theological Seminary, in New York City, in 1867. After his graduation he filled two pastorates in the Congregational Church. In 1875 he married Miss Mary Augusta Donaldson, a native of New York City. They have one son: Homer Penfield Donaldson Kingsbury. Mr. Kingsbury came to California in 1889 on … Read more

Biography of Isaac Newton Hoag

Isaac Newton Hoag, a prominent citizen of Redlands, was born in Macedon, Wayne County, New York, March 3, 1822. His paternal ancestors belonged to the Society of Friends for generations back, and had uniformly been farmers. He lived and worked on a farm until he was eighteen years of age and had the advantages of a very primitive common school education. His father died when he was eighteen years of age, and one year later the Macedon Academy was organized, and Isaac was one of the first students at this institution. From this time until 1849 he taught school winters … Read more

Biography of George Lord

George Lord, President of the Society of California Pioneers of San Bernardino County, and a representative of the best type of “Forty-niners,” is a native of New York City, and was born June 27, 1800, and consequently was eighty-nine years old his last birthday. His father, George Lord, was a sea captain, who died of yellow fever at quarantine in New York harbor, having contracted the disease in the West Indies, whence his vessel had just returned. The subject of this memoir being left self-dependent went to enlist in mercentile pursuits. Stopping for a time in Louisville, Kentucky, he was … Read more