Biographical Sketch of Joseph Peck

The American Pecks belong to an ancient and prolific race, the progeny of John Peck of Belton, Yorkshire, from whom their descent has been traced in an unbroken line to their immigrant ancestors in this country. For centuries before the English colonization in America, they were numbered among the gentry, and their coat-of-arms is described as follows : Argent, on a chevron engrailed. gules, three crosses formed of the first: Crest: Cubit arm, erect, habited, azure; cuff argent; hand proper, holding on one stalk, enfiled with a scroll, three roses, gules; leaves vert. These armorial bearings, quartered with those of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram Peck

(VII) Hiram, son of John (2) and Sarah (Gilbert) Peck, was born in Fairfield, Connecticut, February 6, 1800; died in Phelps, New York, March 16, 1882. He was a blacksmith. He settled in Phelps, in 1818, and in 1824 he purchased a farm which he cultivated for many years in connection with his trade. He was a skilful mechanic, an able farmer and in every way a useful citizen, possessing numerous commendable characteristics which won the esteem and goodwill of all with whom he came in contact. He married Margaret Westfall, of Phelps; she died November 24, 1873. Children: Sarah … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Peck

(VIII) Charles E., son of Hiram and Margaret (Westfall) Peck, was born in Phelps, March 15, 1845. He was reared to farm life, educated in the district schools, and succeeding to the possession of the homestead, he has tilled the soil with gratifying success. As a representative farmer and a progressive citizen he has frequently demonstrated his sterling worth in forwarding the general interests of the town, and for a number of years he served as a trustee of the district schools. He is a member of Junius Grange. Patrons of Husbandry, and also of the Presbyterian church at Oaks … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Pecke

William Pecke. the founder of this branch of the family, was born in or near London, England, in 1601 and died in New Haven, Connecticut, October 4, 1694. He emigrated with his wife and eldest child, probably with Edward Davenport in the ship “Hester,” which arrived at Boston, June 26, 1637, and was one of the original proprietors of New Haven, signing the Fundamental Agreement, June 4, 1739. He was admitted freeman of the New Haven colony, October 20, 1640, was one of the leading merchants of the town and was trustee, treasurer and general business agent of the colony … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Pecke

(II) Joseph, son of William and Elizabeth Pecke. was born in New Haven, in January, 1641, and died in Lyme, Connecticut, November 25, 1718. About 1662 he settled in East Saybrook, Connecticut, which, five years later, was incorporated into the town of Lyme, where he held various religious and civil positions. He married, not later than 1662, Sarah , who died in Lyme, September 14, 1726, aged ninety years. Children: 1. Sarah, born August 4, 1663, married, May 2, 1684, Matthias Gilbert. 2. Joseph, born March 12, 1667, died October 10, 1677. 3. Elizabeth, born September 9, 1669, died August … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Peck

(III) Samuel, son of Joseph and Sarah Pecke, was born in Lyme, Connecticut, July 29, 1678, died in Lyme, January 28, 1735. He was the first member of this branch to drop the final “e” from his name. He married (first) Elizabeth Lee, who died August 29, 1731 and (second), January 25, 1732, Martha Barber, widow, of Killingsworth, Connecticut. She married (third), January 8, 1736, Peter Pearson. Children, all but one by first marriage : 1. Elizabeth, born April 26, 1702. died January 15, 1705. 2. Elizabeth, born May 14, 1705, died October 8, 1730; married. January 23, 1724, Richard … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Peck

(VIII) Lewis, son of Elisha and Lucinda (Warner) Peck, was born on the old homestead in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, May 13, 1816, and died October 30, 1878. He worked his way through Colgate University and then went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he was principal of the high school for a number of terms. Returning east, he taught school at Port Byron, New York, for a year and then became the first principal of the new union school at Phelps, a position he held for ten years. He was distinguished as a surveyor, an educator and also in politics. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Peck

(IX) Charles, son of Lewis and Sarah (Long) Peck, was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, February 8, 1857. He received his education in the schools of Phelps and in Canandaigua Academy and then returned to the old homestead, where he engaged in farming. He is a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church of Phelps, a charter member and at one time overseer of the grange and is one of the largest stockholders of the Phelps National Bank. In politics he is an Independent Republican. He has on his farm the only gas well in the county, and at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clark Galusha

(II) Clark, son of Amos Galusha, was born in Otsego county, October 11, 1824. Reared in a sparsely settled community his education was confined to the limited advantages afforded by the public school system then in vogue in the rural districts, but he made good use of his opportunities for study and became a man of considerable learning. His principal occupation was tilling the soil. In early manhood he resided for a time in Italy, Yates county, New York, and settling in Phelps, Ontario county, in 1864 he purchased a farm which he carried on successfully for the remainder of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George S. Galusha

(III) George S., son of Clark and Eunice (Burnette) Galusha, was born in Italy, Yates county, New York, July 14, 1859. He went to reside in Phelps in the autumn of 1864, and completed his education at the union school in that town. He acquired a good knowledge of farming at the homestead and with the exception of short intervals devoted to other pursuits, has made that calling his chief occupation in life. About the year 1884 he went to Kansas, where he engaged in sheep-raising, and having accumulated a flock of seventeen hundred sheep he sold them to good … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jeffrey Esty

(I) Jeffrey Esty, the immigrant ancestor, lived in Salem, Massachusetts, as early as 1636, when he was granted twenty acres of land. August 23, 1651, he sold land in Salem to Henry Bullock. That same year he removed to Southhold, Long Island, afterwards to Huntington and later to Little Neck, where he died, January 4, 1657. He left a will, without date, probated January 23, following, in which he mentioned a daughter Catherine and son Isaac.

Biography of Isaac Esty

(II) Isaac, son of Jeffrey Esty, was born probably in England before 1630, and came to Salem with his father when very young. He was a cooper by trade, and is designated as such in the first record of him, dated April 5, 1653. At that time, he bought a house and land in Salem. Before 1660, he settled in Topsfield, Massachusetts. In 1661, he was one of the commoners appointed to share in the common land on the south side of Ipswich river. In 1664, he was rated at nineteen shillings, six pence, which was the minister’s rate for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Esty

(III) Isaac (2), son of Isaac (1) Esty, was born in Topsfield about 1656. January, 1677, his name appears with others, who took the oath of allegiance and fidelity to Charles II. In 1689 and 1691, he was chosen one of the surveyors of highways, and 1694, was chosen constable. In 1696, he was one of the selectmen of the town. He married, October 14, 1689, Abigail, daughter of John and Mary (Bradstreet) Kimball, born March 22, 1667. She married (second), April 25, 1718, William Poole, of Reading. His will was dated March 16, 1713-14, and probated May 3, 1714. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aaron Esty

(V) Aaron (2), son of Aaron (1) Esty, was born in Topsfield, January 18, 1745-46, and married, October 23, 1765, Molly Hooper, of Lynn. About 1770, he removed to Rindge, New Hampshire, after a few years to Shrewsbury, Vermont, thence to Leicester, Vermont, where he died, August, 1844. In 1790 he was living at Whiting Town, Vermont, according to the first federal census and had four in his family. He was a soldier in the revolution in Lieutenant Lemuel White’s company, June 20, 1781 (P. 383 Vermont Revolutionary rolls). Children: Joseph, born August 5, 1767; Hannah, baptized August 6, 1769; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aaron B. Esty

(VII) Aaron B., son of William Esty, was born in a log house on the homestead in Seneca, in 1802, and followed farming all his active life. He died in September, 1882. He was a member of the Seneca church at Seneca castle. He married Mary Gilbert, formerly of Benton, Yates county, New York. She died February 12, 1892. Children: John B., mentioned elsewhere; William P.; Cynthia A.; Norton, who died aged two years; Joseph; Sibley; Elizabeth and Edmund.

Biographical Sketch of John B. Esty

(VIII) John B., son of Aaron B. Esty, was born in Seneca, December 1S, 1827. He was educated in the public schools and always followed farming. He was an earnest and faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, a trustee and steward for many years. He married Rachel C. Brizzee, of Hopewell. Children: Fred D.; Charles B., who died at the age of thirty-nine years; Ida A ; Frederick D.; Ada, who died aged eight years; Frank J., mentioned elsewhere; Alexander F.; Elizabeth.

Biographical Sketch of Frank J. Esty

(IX) Frank J., son of John B. Esty, was born in Seneca, October 6, 1858. He was educated in the public schools of Geneva, and at Lima Academy, New York. He worked with his father on the farm during his boyhood and youth. Afterward he was clerk in a general store at Orleans, New York, for two years. He has resided in the township of Phelps since 1891, and is engaged in general farming and horse breeding. He has been active in public affairs and since 1905 has been justice of the peace and member of the town board by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Cornford

(IV) William H. (2), son of William H. (1) and Catharine (Chandler) Cornford, was born in Phelps, June 15, 1859. He was educated in the district schools and in his boyhood he shared with his parents the hardships of a pioneer’s life in Michigan. Upon his return to Phelps he assisted his father in farming for a number of years, and eventually pursued that calling upon his own account. For a period of six years he carried on a farm upon a sharing basis. About 1889 he removed to the village, and for the ensuing five years was employed as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Philip Rupert

Theodore D. Rupert, a physician and surgeon of Geneva, New York, is of German descent. (I) Philip Rupert, grandfather of Dr. Rupert, was born in Pennsylvania, and came to Geneva, New York, in 1805. He was a shoemaker by trade and successful in his line of business. He opened a shop for the manufacture of his wares which was considered a large one for those times and employed a comparatively large number of men. The extensive farm which he purchased is still in the possession of the family.

Biographical Sketch of William P. Rupert

(II) William P., son of Philip Rupert, was born December 26, 1829, and died in 1003. He was a farmer, and established a large nursery which he conducted in a very successful manner near Geneva. He married Catherine Bell, who was born February 22, 1830, and is living at the present time (1910) .