Biographical Sketch of James Kelley

James Kelley, from New York, located in the eastern part of Eden at an early date, where he died in 186o, aged sixty-one years. John D., the fourth son of his seven children, born in 1847, now resides on road 22.

Biographical Sketch of Humphrey Avery

(IV) Humphrey, son of Samuel and Susanna (Palmes) Avery, was born in Groton, July 4, 1699, died there, March 28, 1788. He married there, February 25, 1724, Jerusha, daughter of William and Margaret (Avery) Morgan, who died September 20, 1763. Children: 1. Humphrey, born March 10, 1725, married, June 19, 1745, Mary Baldwin. 2. William, born September 13, 1726, married Abigail Williams. 3. Solomon, referred to below. 4. Samuel, born October 17, 1731, married (first) in 1760, Sybil Noyes, and (second) Mary Ann Rose. 4. James, born August 13, 1733, married Williams. 5. Jerusha, born June 17, 1735, married Latham … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Solomon Avery

(V) Solomon, son of Humphrey and Jerusha (Morgan) Avery, was born in Groton, June 17, 1729, died there, December 23, 1798. He married there, February 18, 1751, Hannah, daughter of the Rev. Ebenezer Punderson, who was born about 1783 and died February 5, 1775. Children: 1. Zipporah, born February 8, 1752. 2. Esther, born November 19, 1754. 3. Solomon, born August 13, 1757, died May 13, 1833; married Sarah Bugbee. 4. Miles, born September 5, 1760, died June 27, 1850, married in November, 1783, Malinda Pixley. 5. Stephen, born August 13, 1762, died in October, 1842; married (first) in 1780, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Avery

(VI) Henry, son of Solomon and Hannah (Punderson) Avery, was born May 4, 1767, died March 25, 1853. He removed to Columbia county, New York, where he married in Taghkanick, May 20, 1i94 or 1795, Hannah Rockefeller, who was born August 5, 1780 and died February 4, 1865. Children: 1. William, born October 16, 1796, died January 1, 1846; married Sarah Armstrong. 2. Hannah, born January 24, 1800, died September 10, 1855; married Edward H. Reynolds, M. D. 3. Amanda, born July 17, 1802, died August 9, 1841; married, July 23, 1820, Isaac Schaurman. 4. Henry Cyrus, born October 26, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Peter Rockefeller Avery

(VII) Peter Rockefeller, son 0f Henry and Hannah (Rockefeller) Avery, was born in Columbia county, New York, March 20, 1807, died March 4, 1854. He married, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, December 6, 1829, Elizabeth, daughter of Asahel and Mary (Rockefeller) Blakeman, born October 4, 1807, died December 18, 1883, Children 1. Mary, born April 3, 1831, married (first) Cunningham Case and (second) Mark Johnson; children: Esther and Bertha Case, and Caroline Johnson. 2. Asahel Blakeman, referred to below. 3. Esther, born May 23, 1836, married Nelson N. Newman; children: Libbie, Morton, Avery and Ray.

Biographical Sketch of Asahel Blakeman Avery

(VIII) Asahel Blakeman, son of Peter Rockefeller and Elizabeth (Blakeman) Avery, was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, May 16, 1834, and died in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, September 19, 1894. He came to the town of Phelps as a boy of fourteen and engaging in farming there, he became and was for many years one of the representative men of the region. He married Julia, daughter of Ashbel and Emily Horsford, of Phelps. Children: Minnie L., born in 1864, died in 1884; Elizabeth, born in 1873, married Elmer Miller; Willis, referred to below; Frank A., referred to below. (IX) … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Tilden

Nathaniel Tilden, the immigrant ancestor, came in the ship “Hercules” of Sandwich, England, from Tenterden, England, in March, 1634, bringing with him his wife Lydia, seven children and seven servants. He settled at Scituate where he was living and had a house built according to Parson Lothrop, as early as September, 1634. He was the first ruling elder of the Scituate church, indicating that he was one of the foremost citizens. He held many town offices. His was the third house on Kent street, south of Greenfield lane. He also had lands at Long Marsh, and in 1640 land on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Tilden

(II) Stephen, son of Nathaniel Tilden, was born in England, about 1630-34; married in 1661, Hannah Little, daughter of Thomas Little, of Marshfield. He resided most of the time at Marshfield. Children: Hannah, 1662; Stephen, 1663; Abigail, 1666; Mary, 1668; Judith, 1670; Joseph, mentioned elsewhere; Mercy, 1674; Ruth, 1676; Isaac, 1678; Ephraim. 1680.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tilden

(III) Joseph, son of Stephen Tilden, was born May 13, 1672. He lived at Scituate and Marshfield. He married, November 30, 1710, Sarah White, who was baptized, an adult, June 20, 1708, at Scituate. He and his wife were admitted to the Scituate church, September 5, 1756. Sarah White was born April 26, 1685, at Scituate, daughter of Timothy White who married in 1678. Abigail, daughter of John Rogers. Timothy was a son of Gowan White of the Conihasset plantation in 1646, who bought a farm of William Richards, in 1650. Children of Joseph and Sarah Tilden : Joseph, born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Tilden

(IV) Christopher, son of Joseph Tilden, was baptized at Scituate May 4, 1712. He married Sarah Parrot of Boston and lived there. Children, born in Boston: Major David, mentioned elsewhere; Sarah, born March 6, 1743; Abigail, April 17, 1745; Captain Joseph. of Boston, had sons Joseph, Bryant P. and William.

Biographical Sketch of Francis Brayton

Francis Brayton, the immigrant ancestor, was born in England in 1612, and settled in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, where he was received as an inhabitant and propounded for a lot of land in 1643. In 1655 he was freeman; in 1662-63, commissioner; in 1669-70-71-79-84, deputy, in 1688, a member of the grand jury. August 10, 1667 he enlisted in a troop of horse; January 6, 1671 he made an agreement with his son-in-law, Joseph Davol. by which the latter in behalf of his daughter, Mary Davol, was to pay her five pounds, at fifteen years of age, said sum to be … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emerson Eugene Warfield

Emerson Eugene, son of Zadock (2) Warfield, was born at Hopewell, Ontario county, April 28, 1848. He was educated in the district schools and the Canandaigua Academy. He adopted farming for his occupation and bought a small farm which he conducted in addition to the homestead, which has been in the possession of the family since 1828 and never changed owners except by inheritance. He lives in the old home which is pleasantly located on a slight elevation a mile south of Shortsville Village, affording a splendid view of the surrounding country. Mr. Warfield is a progressive and enterprising farmer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Sheldon

John, son of Isaac (2) Sheldon, was born December 5. 1658. He settled in Northampton, Massachusetts. He removed to Deerfield and conducted a public house. He was one of the first board of selectmen, ensign of the first military company and captain in 1707. and deacon of the church. He built the old Hoyt house, the door of which, cut by tomahawks and bullets, is preserved in Memorial Hall. In the winter of 1705 he was sent by Governor Dudley on a difficult and dangerous mission to Canada to redeem the captives and returned the following spring with five, two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Sheldon

Ebenezer, son of John Sheldon, was born November 15, 1691. He was captured by Indians in 1704. but returned, and lived in the old Indian House, Deerfield, where he kept a tavern. In 1735 the general court granted to him and his sister Mary three hundred acres of land in consideration of the cost of entertaining Cahuawaga Indians (with whom they had become acquainted during their captivity) on their frequent visits afterwards. In 1744 he sold the Indian House to Jonathan Hoyt, and removed to Fall Town. The first proprietors’ meeting held in the latter town was at his home, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rememberance Sheldon

Remembrance, son of Lieutenant Ebenezer Sheldon, was born October 16, 1717, died April 31, 1787. In 1749 he was sergeant in the French war, in Israel Williams’ company, also in the same company. December 11, 1755, to October 18, 1756, doing scout duty. He was stationed at Colerain, October 19, 1756, to January 23, 1757, and for his services there received five pounds, eighteen shillings, one pence. His name also appears on John Burk’s enlistment roll, ending November 30, 1758, at which time he had charge of a fort in Fall Town. In 1777 he was on the committee of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cephas Sheldon

Cephas, son of Remembrance Sheldon, was born in Bernardston, Massachusetts, 1754. He was a soldier in the revolution from Bernardston and Deerfield, in Captain Amasa Sheldon’s company, Colonel Elisha Porter’s regiment, from July 10 to August 12, 1777, in the northern army; also in Captain Joseph Sheldon’s company, September 23, to October 18, 1777, in the northern army. He removed to Vermont. According to the first federal census he was living in 1790 in Rochester, Windsor county, Vermont, and had in his family two sons under sixteen and four females. He went thence to Waterbury, Vermont, where his sister, Persis … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Sheldon

Richard, son of Cephas Sheldon, was born in Vermont and died suddenly while in Canada. He lived most of his life in Waterbury, where his father and aunt and perhaps other relatives settled. He had four sons: Erastus, born June 2, 1810; Charles, mentioned elsewhere; William R., August 24, 1815; David F.. September 24, 1819. William R. was a bachelor, of a roving disposition, and very courageous: he piloted trains over the plains through to California at an early day; he also served as city policeman in Sacramento.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Sheldon

Charles, son of Richard Sheldon, was born in Waterbury, Vermont, March 16, 1813. He was educated in the common schools. He came to Phelps, Ontario county, when a young man. Afterward, he decided to locate in what was then the west and he went on foot to Illinois where he took up a large tract of land, but he eventually sold out and returned to Phelps. He engaged in farming there the remainder of his life. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Phelps and superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. He married Sarah Crittenden, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cassius C. Sheldon

Cassius C., son of Charles Sheldon, was born in Bureau county, Illinois, April 2, 1844. He was but four years old, however, when his parents returned to Phelps and he was educated there in the public schools. He has always followed farming. He is an active member of the Methodist church at Seneca Castle. He is a prominent member of the Seneca Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, and has been a trustee for thirty years. He married, in 1865, Frances Fiero, of Gorham. They have one son, Charles E., born in 1867, a farmer, married Clara Francs and has one son, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. Willard Rice

C. Willard, only son of Edward H. and Lucy (Dixon) Rice, was born in Seneca, New York, June 2, 1872. His preparatory education was acquired in the Canandaigua Academy, and he then became a student at Hamilton College, from which institution he was graduated. For a number of years he was engaged in teaching, and served as supervisor of schools at Seneca Falls for a period of six years. He was admitted to the bar in 1907, and immediately opened offices in Geneva, New York, where he is still located. He is a supporter of the Democratic party, and has … Read more