Biography of Hon. Charles Miner Bradshaw

HON. CHARLES MINER BRADSHAW. – The present efficient collector of customs of the Puget Sound district, a portrait of whom appears in this work, is a gentleman who has worked his way from the lowest rung of the ladder until he now stands at the front rank in his chosen profession, as well as having acquired a recognized position among the men who lead public opinion and form institutions and states. Mr. Bradshaw was born in Bridgewater, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, August 9, 1831, – the son of Salmon and Sarah F. Schurz Bradshaw, and is a lineal descendant of John … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Benn

SAMUEL BENN. – There is a certain keenness amounting almost to prescience which enables a man to locate a successful town. The laws of a city’s development are so peculiar that few are able to make much of the riddle. Nevertheless some seem to know where to locate a townsite, and where to invest in real estate. It is a business instinct. Mr. Benn is one of these persons. He is the founder of Aberdeen. He was born in New York City, and, as a youth, learned the carpenter’s trade. In 1856 he came to San Francisco, and mined and … Read more

Biography of Nelson Bennett

NELSON BENNETT. – Though Toronto, Canada, must be accredited as the birthplace of the distinguished personage whose name heads this brief sketch of a most active, useful and busy life, yet were his parentage and ancestry thoroughly American. On the paternal side the Bennetts were natives of Virginia, three generations back; and his mother was of the ancient and time-honored family of the Spragues of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He was born October 14,1843; and his father died when he was seven years of age, leaving a widow and six children. The family resided upon a farm; and Nelson was … Read more

Biography of Hon. Henry Blackman

HON. HENRY BLACKMAN. – Mr. Blackman, as mayor of Heppner, Oregon, occupies a responsible and eminent position. His first election to the office was in 1887, during his absence at Salem, where he was still perfecting the articles of incorporation for the town. He was re-elected in 1888 by a heavy majority (100 to 41), and was re-elected for the third time in 1889 unanimously, there being no opposition. At all times the tickets were nonpolitical, although the mayor is a Democrat. The issue was upon general improvements, and a general policy of progress. The town was laid out upon … Read more

Biography of James S. Dysart

JAMES S. DYSART. – The subject of this sketch, a portrait of whom is placed in this work, was born in Delaware county, New York, March 22, 1838. His parents were Duncan and Elizabeth (Shaw) Dysart, natives of Scotland. James resided at the place of his birth until he was seventeen years old, when he went via Nicaragua to California to join his brother Alexander, who was living in San Francisco. He reached that city in 1855. His first location was at Placerville, where he engaged in lumbering. That point he made his home till 1862. In that year he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James B. Crossen

JAMES B. CROSSEN. – Mr. Crossen is the present postmaster at The Dalles, and was born August 11, 1838, at Donegal, Ireland. This was his residence until he emigrated to America in 1849 and made his home with his parents in New York City until of age. In 1859 he crossed the Isthmus to California, and resided at Callaghan’s Ranch for four years, going from thence to Idaho, where he engaged in business at Placerville until 1863. Seeking a new location, he cast his eyes with hope towards the State of Oregon, and selected The Dalles as the most eligible … Read more

Biography of James R. Daniel

JAMES R. DANIEL. – The subject of this sketch was born in 1826, and has lived a life that might well be described in poetry as succinct as that in which Othello related his own. The son of a machinist and shipbuilder of Philadelphia, Mr. Daniel early learned naval craft on the schoolship North Carolina in New York harbor, and on the brig Washington of the Coast Survey, and was then transferred to the Independence and Potomac. After his honorable discharge from the United States navy, he made voyages as able seaman to Havre and Liverpool, and to the West … Read more

Biography of Catherine S. Davis

CATHERINE S. DAVIS. – One of the beautiful and happy lives among the pioneer women of our state is that of the lady named above. It has, to some extent, been spent amid the utmost dangers, difficulties and privations, but nevertheless has been constantly adorned by works of devotion and benevolence. Hers is a life made beautiful not so much by wealth or technical culture as by patience, fortitude and good works. She was born of Dutch parentage in the State of New York, January 23, 1811. Her father, William K. Sluyter, one of the Knickerbockers, moved to Pennsylvania when … Read more

Will of Thomas Pell, – 1669

THOMAS PELL, Westchester. “It hath pleased ye all wise God many years to exercise me with much weakness of body, and having lately taken to Himself my beloved wife Lucy,” “I give my body to a comely burial, that it may be decently buried in such a comely manner, that God may not be dishonored.” Leaves all real estate to “my nephew John Pell, living in ould England, the only son of my only brother John Pell, Doctor of Divinity, he had by his first wife.” Legacies to Abigail, wife of Daniel Burr, Nathaniel French, Elizabeth White, Mary White, and … Read more

Biography of George Washington Crum

George Washington Crum, now retired, had been a resident of Kansas since 1879. He is an old soldier, having fought gallantly for the preservation of the Union and had proved his capacity and fidelity in many other relations to the busy world. His home is in Strong City, and he had been identified with Chase County from section hand to county official. He was born in Chemung County, New York, October 16, 1842, son of Le Roy and Polly (Watkins) Crum. His parents were born in the same section of New York State and his father was a flour miller. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel D. Cowles

COWLES & MCDANIEL. – Samuel D. Cowles, senior member of the firm above-mentioned, was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1829, his father being a wealthy broker. He received a ten years’ naval training and finished his education in New York City, where in after years he was in business for himself. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California. In 1862 we find him crossing the plains once more, coming from Missouri in company with a nephew and niece. At Soda Springs a band of Indians, under the leadership of one of his own employe’s, attacked is party and after … Read more

Biography of Francis Hibbard Lamberson

Francis Hibbard Lamberson has been a factor in the agricultural development and business affairs of Rice County for a great many years. He came here comparatively poor, had prospered by his own efforts, and still owned a large amount of farm land in the county, though he is living retired at Lyons. He was born in Allegany County, New York, May 24, 1847. His people in the paternal line were of Holland Dutch stock and were settlers in New York in colonial times. His grandfather, John Lamberson, was born in Herkimer County, New York, spent his life as a farmer … Read more

Biography of Hon. Edwin N. Cooke

HON. EDWIN N. COOKE. – The subject of this sketch is a lineal descendant of the Puritans, who came to America in the ship Mayflower, and landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, December 21, 1620. Among the passengers of that historical band were Francisco Cook and his son, John Cooke, who settled and the families of whom for many generations lived in that and other colonies, up to the time of the Revolutionary war. At the commencement of the Revolutionary war, Mr. Cooke’s great-grandfather, Asaph Cooke lived near Boston, Massachusetts, and had four sons who espoused the American cause and enlisted in … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Eliza Cooke

MRS. ELIZA COOKE. – All who are acquainted with the estimable lady whose name heads this brief résumé of her life well known that the best eulogy that can be written only illustrates how impossible it is to bear fitting portrayal of the genuine worth of so good and noble a woman. Grandma Cooke has ever been known in her intercourse with others to be generous and unselfish in the highest degree, one of the gentlest of mothers, the most patient of wives, an affectionate friend, and the kindest of neighbors. Whether meeting with trials incident to a long, tedious … Read more

Biography of Hon. Henry W. Corbett

HON. HENRY W. CORBETT. – The reminiscences of the early pioneers of the Pacific Northwest must ever posses a peculiar interest for all who can look back to the days when the wigwam of the Indian was seen on every hand, and when the old log cabins of the founders of this great section of the union were few and far between. Pioneers of civilization constitute no ordinary class of adventurers. Resolute, ambitious and enduring, looking into a great and possible future of the undeveloped country, and possessing the sagacious mind to grasp true conclusions, and the indomitable will to … Read more

Biography of Hon. Harrison Clothier

HON. HARRISON CLOTHIER. – The subject of this short sketch was born in Corinth, Saratoga county, New York, on the 9th of July, 1840, and is the son of Ebenezer K. and Lucy Clothier. He remained in the place of his birth until 1868, with the exception of three years spent in New Jersey and in Troy, New York. Then he put into execution the advice of Horace Greeley, and emigrated to Wisconsin. After a short time there he journeyed on to Minnesota, where he devoted his time to farming in the summer and teaching in the winter. In 1872 … Read more

Hoffman, James A. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon James A. Hoffman, 68, of Baker City, died May 7, 2003, at St. Elizabeth Health Care Center. A funeral service will be held Monday, May 12 at 2 p.m. at Gray’s West & Company Pioneer Chapel. Visitations will be Friday until 8 p.m. James was born Aug. 12, 1934, in Sunnybrook, N.Y., to Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman. In 1978 he moved to Sacramento, Calif. Eleven years later, in 1989, he married Elsie Phillips at Sacramento. Survivors include his wife Elsie; two children, A.J. Hoffman and Elizabeth Derenches; one step-son, Sam Jones, and three grandchildren, Kimberly, J.J., … Read more

Ego, Gene F. – Obituary

Halfway, Oregon Gene F. Ego, 84, of Halfway and a former Baker City resident, died April 25, 2003, at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Portland. At his request, disposition will be by cremation at Gray’s West Pioneer Crematory and there will be no service. Gene was born Oct. 11, 1918, to C.B. and Bessie S. (Doolittle) Ego at Cove. His family moved to Baker City when he was 5. Gene attended school at a one-room school-house on Sutton Creek, just south of Baker City. He worked for different ranches in the area during this time. After leaving … Read more

Biography of Hon. Stephen Fowler Chadwick

HON. STEPHEN FOWLER CHADWICK. – No man in the history of the state of Oregon has held more prominent positions, or done more for the welfare of the country, than the subject of this sketch. He was born in Connecticut on the 25th of December, 1825, and received his education in his native state. After becoming proficient in other branches, he read law in the offices of Stoples & Goddard and Edward E. and H.B. Cowles, Wall street, New York City. He was admitted to the bar in New York on the 30th of May, 1850. On March 13th of … Read more

Biography of Daniel Chaplin

DANIEL CHAPLIN. – The subject of this sketch was born in Niagara county, New York, in 1823. He was educated in his native place, and became a surveyor, removing to Michigan. Honest, upright and much respected, he was one of those men of broad ideas and indefatigable energy who create prosperity for any community in which they settle. Having heard much of Oregon, its boundless resources and delightful climate, he crossed the plains in 1854, settling near Champoeg in Marion county. From there he moved to where Sheridan, in Yamhill county, now stands, and thence to Dayton, Yamhill county. In … Read more